Homer: Episode 6

In this episode Dr. Fleming and Stephen continue to discuss the role of the gods in Homer as well as the outlines of Greek religion in general, its practices, “commandments,” and theology. We also briefly explore the age-old discussion: why do the good suffer?

Dr. Fleming's essay on Homer for the Autodidact can be found here: https://fleming.foundation/2022/01/the-autodidact-homer/

Original Air Date: May 28, 2020
Show Run Time: 25 minutes
Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming
Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner

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Homer℗ is a Production of the Fleming Foundation. Copyright 2020. All rights are reserved and any duplication without explicit written permission is forbidden.


The Fleming Foundation

1 Response

  1. Laura Brickman says:

    Hi Tom, I like that remark, about NOT doing what the gods told you: “don’t seduce your cousin’s wife and then kill her ………;
    and especially the discussion about Homer and the tradition of
    burial of the dead and the importance of remembering the dead…
    Will listen to this again. Unfortunately, we do not honor our dead
    even on Memorial Day! The emphasis is BBQ’S ,SALE SHOPPING
    etc. Some people don’t even know what Memorial Day is for.
    Mr. TRUMP wished everyone a HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY?
    I missed going to the cemetery where Dave is buried this year
    because of the virus. Dave received the Silver star for swimming
    across a river on D DAY in NORMANDY and getting blood palasma
    that saved 10 men’s lives; so he is buried in an honor section where
    many of our political leaders come to speak, with band, taps, bagpipes etc. This makes my visit there easier, Yes, the Greeks
    had it right, and we need to carry out the tradition of honoing
    the dead. Thank you for this podcast.