Lectures Bundle, The Wrongs of Rights: Summer Symposium 2023


The Wrongs of Rights: Summer Symposium 2023

12 Lectures
Run Time: 11 hours

MP3 File Downloads (Links expire within 72 hours)

Dr. Thomas Fleming, "Equal Rights and the Revolution Against Marriage" (MP3 Download)

Of the many waves of human rights revolutions, none has been so destructive as the revolution against marriage and family preached by the Enlightenment and enacted by the French and American Revolutions. Run Time: 1 hour 2 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Jack Trotter, "The Feminist Revolution" (MP3 Download)

The feminist revolution against human nature may be taking a right turn in restoring the real rights of women. Run Time: 34 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. E. C. Kopff, "From Mayflower Compact to Virginia Declaration" (MP3 Download)

Authentic civil rights are established by free people accepting responsibility for self-government. Run Time: 1 hour 2 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. E. C. Kopff, "Luther on Temporal Authority" (MP3 Download)

Martin Luther firmly established our Christian obligation to obey legitimate authority. Run Time: 1 hour 3 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Thomas Fleming, "The Subversive Myth of the Social Contract" (MP3 Download)

State of Nature/Social Contract theories, which began as a rebellion against religion and tradition are “nonsense on stilts.” Run Time: 1 hour 3 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Jack Trotter, "The Loyalists of the American Revolution" (MP3 Download)

The Loyalists of the American Revolution Run Time: 47 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Thomas Fleming, "Nomos and Physis Law Versus Nature" (MP3 Download)

The debate over tradition versus nature that broke out in ancient Greece has dominated political discussion until our own time. Run Time: 1 hour 1 minute MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. E. C. Kopff, "Cicero: The Duties of a Free Citizen" (MP3 Download)

Cicero demonstrates that republican liberty rests on the foundation of republican virtue. Run Time: 54 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Jack Trotter, "Property and Democracy in Fennimore Cooper" (MP3 Download)

In the early American republic, property rights were threatened by radical democratism. Run Time: 55 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Thomas Fleming, "Justice in Early Greece" (MP3 Download)

Ancient Greeks based their moral and political judgments not on a theory of rights but on the justice which is a gift from the gods. Run Time: 1 hour 1 minute MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. E. C. Kopff, "Sophocles' Antigone Duties and Rights" (MP3 Download)

Sophocles’ Antigone has been misinterpreted as Libertarian or Feminist propaganda. In fact it is a celebration of our duty, natural and divine, to family. Run Time: 58 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Thomas Fleming, "I Got Rights" (MP3 Download)

For 250 years Europeans and North Americans have been pursuing the dream of universal human rights. The reality is a nightmare of civil war and legalized perversity and crime. Run Time: 37 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)


The Fleming Foundation’s 2023 Summer Symposium