Lectures Bundle, Augustan England: Summer Symposium 2022


Augustan England: Roots of the American Republic

14 Lectures
Run Time: 12 hours

MP3 File Downloads (Links expire within 72 hours)

Dr. Thomas Fleming, "The Christian Misanthrope" (MP3 Download)

Thomas Fleming explores the causes of Jonathan Swift's savage indignation. Run Time: 43 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. E. C. Kopff, "From Christian Natural Philosophy to Enlightenment Science" (MP3 Download)

E. Christian Kopff investigates the Christian origins of modern science. Run Time: 55 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. James Patrick, "The Flowering Angelican Piety" (MP3 Download)

James Patrick surveys the riches of Anglican religious thought in the 17th and 18th centuries. Run Time: 50 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Frank Brownlow, "Alexander Pope, Jacobites, and Tories" (MP3 Download)

Frank Brownlow looks at the political background of Alexander Pope. Run Time: 48 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. E. C. Kopff, "English Deists" (MP3 Download)

Run Time: 1 hour 3 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Thomas Fleming, "Two Revolutions" (MP3 Download)

Run Time: 1 hour 3 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Frank Brownlow, "Alexander Pope" (MP3 Download)

Run Time: 48 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. James Patrick, "Catholic Persistence" (MP3 Download)

James Patrick reminds us of the significant persistence of English Catholics after a century of persecution. Run Time: 52 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Thomas Fleming, "Augustan England" (MP3 Download)

Thomas Fleming portrays the first Augustan regime and analyzes its influence on 18th century England. Run Time: 1 hour 2 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. E. C. Kopff, "Ancients and Moderns" (MP3 Download)

E. Christian Kopff describes the European cultural; conflict known as "The War Between the Ancient and the Moderns." Run Time: 1 hour MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. James Patrick, "The Non-Juring Crisis" (MP3 Download)

The resistance of Tory Anglicans to the Glorious Revolution was a major struggle that helped to set the stage for the political conflicts of succeeding generations. Run Time: 43 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. E. C. Kopff, "Whig Traditionalists, Enlightenment Philosophies" (MP3 Download)

E. Christian Kopff investigates the Christian origins of modern science. Run Time: 51 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Frank Brownlow, "English Music" (MP3 Download)

A delightful walk through English music in the early 18th century, complete with examples. Run Time: 47 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)

Dr. Thomas Fleming, "Lawful Violence" (MP3 Download)

Run Time: 58 minutes MP3 File Download (Link expires within 72 hours)


The Fleming Foundation’s 2022 Summer Symposium on Augustan England was held July 11-15, 2022.

Eighteenth century England is one of our greatest periods of literature, art, and music: No one since has equalled Pope, Swift, and others of that age for the keenness of their satire or the sharpness of their political attacks, and no one has exceeded the charm and liveliness of their writing. But this was also the age when the British Constitution was uprooted and transformed into a a party state with a parliamentary despotism that both caused the American Revolution and also laid the foundations for the undoing of every good thing for which the Americans fought.