The Fleming Foundation Cultural Commentary
Poems by John Gould Fletcher
Although largely forgotten these days, John Gould Fletcher was a very famous poet in the 1920s, and it was a great coup for the Southern Agrarians to have included his essay on Southern education in I’ll Take My Stand.
Wednesday’s Child: Open This End
The “How To” manual is a familiar genre, elements of which can be traced to antiquity. It shares the bookshelf in the den with Harlequin romances and other extrusions of the Edwardian epoch….
Game Plans
In a podcast of January 14, I was asked if Trump could actually accomplish some good for the American people. Partly joking, I answered:
Poems by Conrad Aiken
Conrad Aiken was born in Savannah but after his parents’ death (when he was two), he was reared by an aunt in Cambridge, Massachusets . At Havard, he and Eliot were friends and colleagues.
Greek I.6 The A-Declension
Feminine nouns of the -A declension, adjectives, word order of nouns plus adjective
Anti-Semitic Semites
Is Donald Trump doing the right thing by expelling Semites accused of anti-Semitism? Absolutely.
Italian II. 4
This lesson includes conversation that are built from the words and phrases of the first three lessons. It also reviews what you should already know, the present tense of regular verbs in -are and the plural forms of the definite articles.
Wednesday’s Child: The Sacred Cow
“She is an idol,” wrote Baudelaire of the woman in Le Peintre de la Vie Moderne, “who must be adorned to be adored.”