The Fleming Foundation Cultural Commentary


Back to the Future

I’ve been in 15th century Florence, to be precise, colloguing with Petrarch, Pico della Mirandola, Savonarola,  Cosimo and Lorenzo de’ Medici, Machiavelli, and others.  As a traveler in time and space, I was eager to share my thoughts on the American present, which for them is an unimaginably distant future.  


Wednesday’s Child: Peace on Earth

Two kinds of ideas animate the world. One kind is private, hermetic, sovereign; I would go as far as to call it anaerobic, by analogy with the bacteria that perish when exposed to air and light. Fedor Tiutchev, Russia’s most original nineteenth-century poet, had this variety in mind when we wrote his “Silentium”: “Keep silent, secret, and obscured / Thy thoughts and dreams without end, / And let them rise like stars, inured / To darkness regnant in thine head.”


Wednesday’s Child: Other Figures

My paternal grandmother’s family was from Vitebsk, where it was well remembered that as a callow youth Marc Chagall made a living painting shop signs in that provincial town. It turns out, however, that the canvases Chagall produced in the years preceding his emigration to France are perhaps the only pictures of lasting value – of genius, a more impulsive chronicler would say – ever painted on the territory of the Russian, and then Soviet, empire.

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This 124 page PDF book, A Thousand Years of Jihad, stakes out a large historical territory and the unremitting efforts of Islamic states to advance into Europe. This story, one that is rarely heard, is told with candor and civility by Thomas Fleming, Frank Brownlow. Our gift to you for visiting The Fleming Foundation.



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