Category: Feature


Florence/Tuscany Update

Bowing to popular demand, the program in October we are planning will be held in Tuscany.  My current thinking is to stay for 3-4 days in Florence and Arezzo, and from those bases we shall visit a few smaller places.  Possible destinations include Chiusi, Montepulciano, and Pistoia.  


Matter Matter Matter, Part I

I am frequently asked, sometimes more than once a day, what I think of an article in a conservative magazine or some oracular pronouncement from the guru of the moment, whether the guru of the moment be Jordan Peterson or Bernard-Henri Lévy, Greg Mortenson (co-author of Three Cups of Tea) or Tucker Carlson, Bill Maher or Noam Chomsky.  When I have something better to do, I dismiss the question by saying I have not read enough of the writer or guru to form an opinion.


Siena: A Brief Account, I

If access to the sea determined the future of Pisa as a race of sailors and adventurers, Siena’s location in the arid mountains was equally significant.  Despite the great beauty of the landscape, the fact is that Siena lacked water and was subject to serious droughts. 


The Government We Deserve, Conclusion (at last!)

Suppose, per impossibile, we were to carry out an even more thoroughgoing plan of reform.  You can fill in any impossible details and requirements that suits your fancy.  Even if we were to gain the whole  world, we would still be left with a population of some 300 million clueless lost souls, without any skill or knowledge that is not technical, with churches that are the enemy of Christ, with a commercial culture that is more morally degrading than heroin and methamphetamines.