Amoral Leftists Wallowing in Trump Trial’s Salacious Alleged Details
Those who most hate Trump and are wallowing in every alleged salacious detail are the most amoral in our society, beginning with being the biggest backers of abortion.
Those who most hate Trump and are wallowing in every alleged salacious detail are the most amoral in our society, beginning with being the biggest backers of abortion.
If access to the sea determined the future of Pisa as a race of sailors and adventurers, Siena’s location in the arid mountains was equally significant. Despite the great beauty of the landscape, the fact is that Siena lacked water and was subject to serious droughts.
Suppose, per impossibile, we were to carry out an even more thoroughgoing plan of reform. You can fill in any impossible details and requirements that suits your fancy. Even if we were to gain the whole world, we would still be left with a population of some 300 million clueless lost souls, without any skill or knowledge that is not technical, with churches that are the enemy of Christ, with a commercial culture that is more morally degrading than heroin and methamphetamines.
Machiavelli’s fourth chapter is devoted, at least ostensibly, to answering the question: Why did the Persians not rebel, after the death of Alexander the Great? The republican Machiavelli has a reasonable answer, but one that should be chilling to any American who can think dispassionately about his own country.
Most of our readers are familiar with Josh Doggrell, who has written several pieces for this website. He is among the last of a dying breed, the two-fisted Southern Christian who concedes nothing to the trends that are destroying the nation. Josh has written a book, which has been published by Shotwell Press.
Attentive reading has become a lost art like the production of stained class and the painting of frescoes. Part of careful reading is being careful not to draw conclusions before examining the evidence.
Recently more than in times past, the month of April triggers some ominous memories that have become more vivid somehow with distance in time. I had relegated my memories of the events of Operation Eagle Claw (OEC) to my mind’s recesses after leaving the First Ranger Battalion for Special Forces (SF) in August of 1980 following the ill-fated mission that past April.
In the off chance that this screed might be read by people who do not already know the score, I ask such imaginary readers to imagine a visit from Jefferson or Twain or Mencken or even some reasonable politician like Robert Taft or Sam Ervin, who asks us to take him on a guided tour of these United States. We might begin their tour by taking them to see New York or San Francisco or Chicago or Portland, in fact to any major city in to witness the complete breakdown of law and order, sanitation, and public decency.
The death of Simpson brought it all back for a moment, and I recall how uncomfortable felt when I gave people my “take” on the murders. Now it is your turn.
Those who reject Christ, reject the God who sent him to die for the salvation of mankind.