Tagged: Islam


Misa Djurkovic Interview, Part II

Part II:  The European Context 5. The Germans seem to be talking out of both sides of their mouth, with Merkel saying early on that this had to be treated as a humanitarian crisis but later blaming Hungary and Croatia for letting so many migrants into the EU.  What do you think she and other EU leaders have in mind? I just published a book called The Illusion of European Union. One big chapter deala with immigration politics in the EU. It is a mess, that basically comes down to a strong internal fight between ordinary people–which includes even statesmen...


From Under the Rubble: The Wearin’ of the Cross

In simpler times when our world was young, we used to sing, “It’s a Barnum and Bailey world/Just as phony as it can be.”  Now we might just as well call it an Obama and Osama world:  It’s still  phony but a lot more dangerous than circus lions. A Palestinian Muslim named–what else?–Muhammad kills five military men.  The cry goes up:  Why did this happen?  What made him do it?  His family– described by people who know them as a “typical American family”–say this is not the son they knew but the victim of depression, and ABC News makes headlines with revelations about his use of drugs. Many...