Ransom Notes, Cinco de Mayo Plus One: GOP Deserters
Why are so many Republicans shying away from Trump and promising to boycott the convention?
Whatever the answer is, we know it has nothing to do with principles, because they don’t have any. What they do have are paymasters. In picking a side, e.g., the global war machine to which Maddog John McCain bends the knee, or the Megachurch pseudo-Christian pastors bloated on greed and ignorance that Ted Cruz adores, or the transnational business interests that force the Republican Party to stiff the American people by bringing in cheap labor and shipping jobs off to Chinese slave-masters. Even the hint that a Republican might break ranks on trade and immigration is enough to send shock waves through the anti-American conservative movement that controls Heritage, Cato, and National Review.
A shorter and simpler answer is: Greed and Fear. Has anyone ever seen a more rabbity politician than Paul Ryan. The poor guy should be played by Don Knotts. Oh dear, oh dear, I’m not ready to decide whether or not to support my party’s candidate. When the shoe is on the other foot, Ryan would be screaming his head off at any supporter of Buchanan or Perot who did not swear to abide by the party’s decision and support the candidate.
It used to be said that there was honor among thieves. If that is still true, it puts ordinary thieves on or two significant steps above elected thieves.
Ryan embodies the emasculated Western “man,” a cunning but henpecked coward.