From Under the Rubble, Episode 12: Moral Survival

In this episode of From Under the Rubble, we deal with the theme of “moral survival.” The premise of From Under the Rubble is what do we do in a world run by evil people - how do we live in the ruins? Dr. Fleming gives us 5 principles to deal with the culture in our everyday lives.

Original Air Date: May 19, 2017
Show Run Time: 52 minutes
Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming
Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner


From Under the Rubble℗ is a Production of the Fleming Foundation. Copyright 2017. All Rights are Reserved.


The Fleming Foundation

2 Responses

  1. Dot says:

    Dr. Fleming: Thank you for this podcast presentation on Moral Survival. It reminds me that I must redirect my focus and detach from things over which I have no control.

  2. Avatar photo Thomas Fleming says:

    You are as ever, Dot, very kind.