Donald the Storm God, the Podcast


Donald Trump, after plunging the world into poverty, misery, violence, and bigotry, is now using his evil powers to create storms that will destroy the goddess Gaia.  This is truly the Clash of the Titans.  Be on the look-out for the sequel, as the Evil Trump takes on Satan himself, defeats his master, and rules the universe.

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Thomas Fleming

Thomas Fleming is president of the Fleming Foundation. He is the author of six books, including The Morality of Everyday Life and The Politics of Human Nature, as well as many articles and columns for newspapers, magazines,and learned journals. He holds a Ph.D. in Classics from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and a B.A. in Greek from the College of Charleston. He served as editor of Chronicles: a Magazine of American Culture from 1984 to 2015 and president of The Rockford Institute from 1997-2014. In a previous life he taught classics at several colleges and served as a school headmaster in South Carolina

8 Responses

  1. Allen Wilson says:

    The audio cuts off about 11 minutes into the podcast. The issue does not appear to be with my connection.

    It’s still a great podcast anyway.

    I’m reminded of Vger in the first Star Trek movie, the machine that thought all life on earth was a parasitical infestation on the planet.

    A college graduate once told me that one of his professors taught that plants were just parasites on the earth, and animals much the same, like lice or fleas, apparently. The professor didn’t know or was willfully ignoring the proper definition of the word “parasite”.

  2. Avatar photo Thomas Fleming says:

    I listened yesterday and it was fine. We’ll recheck. Thanks

  3. Frank Brownlow says:

    One thing Elizabeth I & her chief minister Burghley wanted John Dee’s associate Edward Kelley to do was to make gold for them. Their pal Mr. Topcliffe, not yet a policeman/torturer, had already put together a partnership consisting of Burghley, Leicester, and himself to turn iron into copper–all of this, of course, the latest thing in science. The only person to make money from these schemes was the earl of Shrewsbury, who sold the partners their iron and lead.

  4. Allen Wilson says:

    It’s workng fine now.

  5. Avatar photo Thomas Fleming says:

    Yes, Dee (the Queen’s astrologer) and Kelley, whose ears had been cropped from practicing necromancy–the use of a dead body to commune with spirits–were in the HRE “making gold.” I cheerfully admit to stretching my conjectures about weather just a bit, though weather-magic is one of the most common types in all ages, including in 16th century England. Despite a wicked rumor to the contrary, I am not related to the Thomas Fleming, captain of the Golden Hinde, who first sighted the armada, though in fairness I should add that while Elizabeth deserved to be deposed if only for her share in making a terrorist war on Spain by means of pirates, the English did their duty in repelling the invasion.

  6. Andrew G Van Sant says:

    Joe Bastardi, one of the weather forecasters at WeatherBell is one of the best meteorologists in the world today. He is a master in comparing current conditions to past conditions to make accurate forecasts. The difficulty in forecasting is because, as the UN IPCC admits, the earth’s atmosphere is a n0n-linear chaotic system that defies prediction.

    The WUWT website has a post with a link to an analysis by Pat Frank about error propagation in climate models showing that they cannot possibly predict future climate change; they are not fit for the task. All of the climate scaremongering is based on the output of these inadequate models, not on actual observations.

  7. Andrew G Van Sant says:

    I use an app called Dark Sky to check projected rainfall at my actual location. It is pretty accurate.

  8. Avatar photo Thomas Fleming says:

    Thanks for the information. I blush to admit it, but I don’t actually want to know the weather unless I’m planning a picnic or a fishing trip. Not only is the desire for this knowledge evil in itself but it diminishes our awe in contemplating the natural world that lies outside ourselves.