Wednesday’s Child: A Victory for Labor

No, it isn’t a mistake, my title.  It’s not like I don’t read the papers, you know.  But in the stuffy atmosphere of Tory triumphalism, I think, the gentle reader may well be wishing for a window on the world to be opened.  So what really happened in Britain last week?  Well, basically, the two main political parties have exchanged roles, which is not, moreover, entirely a bad thing.  It’s both good news and bad.  Let me start with the good news.

A number of pollsters analyzing the general election have spoken of a new divide in British society, as evidenced by the distribution of the vote.  It wasn’t really Brexit, as many had supposed; nor was it the traditional rift between richer and poorer constituencies, or the one between town and country; it was not gender, it was not defense, and it wasn’t even healthcare.  It was not the North against the South.  What was it, then?  It was “education.”  Constituencies with more than 25 percent of “educated” people gravitated to Labour, while those with less cleaved to the Tories.

No pollster has dared say it, but anyway the meaning is clear.  “Labour isn’t working,” in the words of a prophetic election slogan, back in 1979, for Margaret Thatcher’s election campaign.  Labour has become the party of “education,” which, in modern terms of reference, is one of the synonyms of freeloading.  Other hypostases of parasitic existence include all aspects of the arts and of the cultural sphere generally, financed as these are almost entirely by the taxpayer – in other words, by the working man – against his will.  Britain’s “yoof” – as in the “youthquake” that was supposed to throw up the deciding vote for Labour – is naturally high up on that list as well, along with the drug addict, the dyslexic and the bulimic, the wilfully obese, the unemployed and unemployable, and the lazy and shiftless of every description.

  Labour has tried desperately to bribe the freebie class with $1 trillion in handouts, including 50 billion promised in support of something called “Women Against State Pension Inequality,” so women would have more time on their hands for hounding their husbands, and twenty billion for “free broadband for all,” so men could watch more porn when not hounded by their wives.  But in stepped the working class, and there the hopeful bubble burst.

The bad news is that, as the Tories traded souls and personalities with Labour, thereby winning the working class vote, the mantle of socialist double-speak and left-wing hypocrisy was passed on to them in the process.  Boris Johnson was endlessly posed in front of a hoarding that read “The People’s Government,” a pose that struck Peter Hitchens, among other observers, as highly significant.  Tony Blair, as the gentle reader may remember, refashioned his party as “New Labour.”  There are abundant signs that the party that won last week’s general election should be known as “New Tories.”

The variable to watch for now, of course, is how their Brexit – or should it be “New Brexit”? – measures on the Nigel Farage Hardness Scale.  During the entire campaign I’ve not heard a single promise that “The People’s Government” would remove a single molehill of an obstacle, to say nothing of the impassible ridge of mountains created since Britain joined Europe, from the path of the working man.  The talk was of tariffs and customs, but not of the customs that matter.  After nearly half a century of forced socialist evolution, would the Tories put unarmed bobbies back on patrol in London’s streets and have British schools once again teach Latin instead of gender equality?

Not b****y likely, as they used to say in British family newspapers.

Andrei Navrozov

Andrei Navrozov

5 Responses

  1. Raymond Olson says:

    These are, perhaps, the truest words you’ve ever written: ‘“education,” which, in modern terms of reference, is one of the synonyms of freeloading’. Certainly, as a profession inculcated in colleges of it, education is that and worse. There should be a mascot for it. I propose one of its most distinguished doctors–Bill Cosby.

  2. andrei navrozov says:

    Mr. Olson, my son has just written to me from London in reply to this post: “Boris Johnson should close down 100 of the UK’s 130 universities.” At any rate, we’re all in agreement that this would be a good start.

  3. Frank Brownlow says:

    130 universities? When I was a student there were about 17, counting Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, and some people thought that was too many. They were much smaller, too, with enrollments of a few thousand. Now they’re American-style monsters, with enrollments of 25,000 (Liverpool), 30,000 (Leeds), 40,000 (Manchester).

  4. Sam Dickson says:


    The Germans are so fortunate in their education system. Their system admirably prepares most young Germans for the jobs they will need when they graduate from high school. The schools mesh with German enterprise. The last year the students who tested out as having an aptitude for machine repairs spend half the day at school studying shop and half the day actually working for Mercedes Benz.

    A comparatively small % are put into a college prep program. Then they go to college. Real college. Not extended high school as in the US.

    Education in America fulfills 2 System goals:

    1. It’s a jobs program for System devotees.
    2. It serves to indoctrinate young people into the System narrative on all subjects.

    The education system in America would shame Haiti.

    Barack Obama wanted to provide free “college” for any American who wanted to burn up 4 years in a post-high-school facility.

    This would insure 4 more years of Big Brother instructing young Americans on the dogmas of the System on the whole gamut of sacred truths on equality, feminism, Holocaust, homophobia, zenophobia, mccarthyism, otherism, cisgender, the glories of Lincoln, Wilson, Roosevelt, Churchill, JFK…you name it.

    Any candidate for public office who really cared about the American people would do the obvious once in office. When you can’t grow roses and your neighbor has a beautiful rose garden, you find out what your neighbor does and copy it. America should simply adopt the German system and implement it here.

    This cannot happen in a universal suffrage democracy. The educators would go ballistic and fight it to the death because 90% of the teachers and professors would be fired and replaced. The average fool would be stirred to rage because the System’s media would tell him that the German system isn’t “equal” and his kid’s chance of “equality” was being threatened.

    The snot class (the kind of people Nazoroff describes as now constituting the bulk of the Socialists’ voters) basically regard the working class as a pathology to be cured. I marvel at how openly they display their sense of superiority and their contempt for working people when I hear them say things like, “Bill Olsen is an example of how education works. His father was only a plumber but Bill is a lawyer.” “Only?” That word makes it oh-so-clear just how unmitigated the contempt these snots have for working people.

    It’s clear that the snots’ ultimate utopia would be an America in which everyone is on the Harvard faculty and no one does any distasteful and demeaning thing like fixing pipes and installing electrical wires.

    One thing is glaringly obvious.

    We could get along quite well if the educational class disappeared.

    We would collapse without the plumbers, the electricians and their mates.

    People like us – not Marx and his quacks – are the real friends of the working people.

    I for one am grateful to them and bless them.

    Our one ray of hope is the fact that modern technology has made the professors and the bricks and mortar universities redundant. If you have kids and actually care about them (most Americans – including me – don’t have any and the majority of the Americans who have children don’t seem to care about them) can get first rate course instruction on line for their kids.

  5. Sam Dickson says:


    Most of us Americans are unaware of the fact that only a little more than 4 generations ago voting patterns in Britain to a great degree split along denominational lines.

    Anglicans voted Tory. Calvinist dissenters voted Liberal.

    This pattern broke down after the First Peloponnesian War (a/k/a World War One) and was replaced by a pattern of voting by social class.

    When one considers thoughtfully what great Lenin used to refer to as “the objective factors” of where Britain is and where it is headed, it is clear that the future pattern of voting will be on racial lines.

    The System – which in Britain as elsewhere is dedicated to colonizing our European world with 3rd world settlers – will do all it can to muddy the waters so as to impede Caucasians in Great Britain from voting on racial lines while furiously encouraging the non-whites and the Muslims to do just that.

    I suspect that a significant % of the historically Labour voters who switched to the Tories were motivated by the spectacle of just how openly the Labour Party has become the lobby for nonbritish people. (Why, the Labour Party is almost as anti-white as the Church of Anti-England and the Church of Anti-Scotland, f/k/a the Church of England and the Kirk of Scotland!)

    The System will popularize and try to market phony voting blocs like it does here with blocs like “wimmen” or “gays” or “soccer moms” or “the youth.”

    One obvious tool for the System to use in the United Kingdom will be to play into the chip-on-the-shoulder psychology of the Celts (the Welsh and the Irish as well as the really not very “Celt” at all Scots).

    And unfortunately this tactic – silly as it is – has a good chance of working given how dopey White people are.

    Already, all of the 3 “nationalist” parties of Wales, Ireland and Scotland are unashamedly schizoid. They posture and brag about their hatred of the English but do a 180% turn and shut down any criticism of Third World colonization. Indeed, they boast that they will increase immigration once they are given power.

    There’s always been a market among our people for those who want to refight the Thirty Years War, the Battle of Colloden or the decemation of Connaught.

    The hope for those who racially, culturally and religiously are the heirs to 3 millenia of the Europe of pagan Antiquity and of Christianity is that the Welsh, Irish and Scots will have “ken” enough to see through such manipulation and grasp the truth that the fools in Constantinople in 1453 did not see – that the Turks assaults on the walls were more important at the moment than the Filioque Clause.

    The sons of Hengist and Horsa must rise to the heroism of their ancestors who fought aside Sir Francis Drake and stand steady, sturdy and stouthearted against a threat that dwarfs all previous perils in our history.