Institutionalizing Racism, by Robert Geraci
The result of the entire institutional racism charge is that what will become institutionalized and accepted is a level of less achievement by blacks in all aspects of life including but not limited to academics, crime and social behaviors; and ultimately this lowering of standards will permeate all of society, not just those who are black.
Every single less than perfect or at least passing grade on a test or grading in general in school, every disciplinary act by a school or a teacher towards a student, every single look by a teacher at a student that can be interpreted as displeasure at the student’s behavior, every act by the police against what appears to be a violation of some law by a person, every single initiative by a black person in the corporate and business world that is not advanced by the organization, every single instance of non-participation by blacks in any activity such as visiting nature centers or other recreational activities pursued by whites, every roster in a work environment that doesn’t have a certain number of blacks employed, every store employee that doesn’t smile at a black customer - all these and more will be easily charged as a result of racism and not at all having anything thing to do with individual culpability or choice.
The end result will be an acceptance of a level of achievement that is less than what it has been in civil society as well as a misinterpretation of individual choices in what people do (some people regardless of color don’t enjoy walking in the woods for example).
It is a legitimate question to ask whether those who are championing the above are actually asking that blacks be held to a different standard than whites and if that is the case, then are they also saying that blacks are unable to advance without such passes? When cops avoid doing routine speeding checks when the driver is black so as to avoid the charge of racism or it potentially escalating into a dangerous confrontation, when schools look the other way when there are violations of normal behavior by students so as to avoid the charge of being racist, when a teacher passes a student who clearly did not achieve the academic requirements so as to avoid being labeled a racist, when a person is hired because he or she is black but who is not as job-related qualified as other candidates - all of those people got a pass and will advance through life under standards that are less appropriate than what otherwise would be accepted in society.
But it is not just the individual who moves ahead or operates in society within a different set of accepted parameters that is the problem (e.g. black drivers can speed without worry), but all of society is degraded by accepting a lessening of standards. Is it not legitimate to ask whether the level of quality in any and all fields will be maintained as high as they could or need to be, whether it be medicine, engineering, teaching, flying a commercial airplane, or any other activity that people do in a society? What would the champions above say to this concern? Undoubtedly the concern itself would be considered racist.
Standards are racist because the only way to achieve equality is by eliminating standards. That is how progress is promoted.
When I was a Boy Scout they would make “goofy soup” at the winter jamborees. Each scout would bring a can of soup and they would mix them all in a giant cauldron heated with blow torches. The result was pretty bland without any distinctive flavor. That is my view of multiculturalism.
Mr Van Zant,
As a academy graduate, are you familiar now with the current standards at Annapolis and West Point? Would you recommend your son or grandson to attend one of the military academies today? I ask because I respect your opinion and am wondering about my own sons desire to attend. I am so disgusted with the ongoing social experiments in the military and the stupid wars in the Middle East for “democracy” and the “elimination of tyranny in the world” it is difficult for me to know what the heck I still think of patriotism. On the other hand, a young man is only a young man once in his life and I don’t want to extinguish honest aspirations to service but it remains a hard recommendation for me to make.
Good job, Bob. You sound peeved.
It’s convenient to accuse the white race as being racist but it really is the black race that is most racist. It’s convenient for them because responsibility is then placed on the white race and on institutions for any failures of the blacks. Then the white race and institutions acquiesce to allow for this.
If you add Asians to the mix, they surpass whites and blacks because they not only tend to have a higher IQ but the parents of Asian children start to educate them very early on in their lives. Education is a high priority for this group. I don’t think it is as high for whites or blacks. Blacks have the support of the NAACP. Whites are left to their own devices.
Bob’s plea for equal standards of acheivement for all Americans is reasonable. Twenty or even ten years ago it would have been accepted by the public as such. But, at this stage, the regime has become ideological and willing to accept irrational ideas as the norm.
The deliberate indoctrination of the populace with irrational approaches to what was once a natural order is the essence of this stage
of the revolution. This denial of common law principles has now entered the law schools and ABA. Young lawyers are now entering practice with the belief that “social justice by whatever means necessary” trumps previous legal prcedents. It is going to get crazier and crazier and that is the plan.
Equal standards will not happen as long as colleges and universities have basketball and football teams. It is a money maker for the school and some course standards are lowered or perhaps developed for them. It is akin to using the black person to bring prestige and money to the school. It’s about money.
Mr. Reavis, I have long observed the decline of the Service Academies, especially the Naval Academy. At this time I would discourage anyone from attending one. If one wants to serve, Reserve Officer Training at a school that provides it may be a better choice. There have long been efforts to turn the Academies into typical liberal arts schools. The progressive idea is that everyone has a right to attend one and to serve in the military. It is just a job like any other.
Regarding Annapolis, you and your son may want to research the controversial, contrarian English Professor Bruce Fleming. There was a piece about him in last April’s Washingtonian. The Academy considers him to be a thorn in their side and has tried various dubious methods to get rid of him. Another case to look at is the attempt to discharge Midshipman Chase Standage. His parents are LA police officers and his postings about the anti-police movement led to attempts by the current leadership to expell him. I have read his lawyer’s complaint filed in a lawsuit against his dismissal and it reveals all of the dubious methods the Academy employed to oust him.
Other issues to look at include attempts to include critical race theory training and sexual harassment training in the various programs for the Midshipmen. Racial and sex quotas for admission are also a problem.
Good luck to your son as he decides on his best course of action. Let me know if I can provide any additional information.
Thank you, Mr Van Sant —For the advice and the references. What a mess!