The Man in the High Study, Conclusion

After taking the necessary step of holding journalists accountable for their lies and disinformation, the next step would be to join forces with other nations—the UK, the EU and Latin American countries, Canada, Russia, India—in holding China accountable for the results of  what was either an error followed by a cover-up or a germ warfare attack on the rest of the world.  (The fact many Chinese died would hardly have been a problem for that regime!) .  We could set a penalty in the trillions of dollars, and, when they refused to pay, slap on heavy taxes on Chinese imports.  One side benefit would be that American producers would be able to compete with inferior Chinese goods manufactured with slave labor.

My wife concurred, but like many decent Americans, she wondered:

“What about Dr. Fauci?  Wouldn’t he protest?”

“From Federal prison? On what charge?”

In any real country, not just the real United States, Fauci's fate would not be a matter for much debate.   He lied under oath to the Senate, changed his story repeatedly, endangered the health of hundreds of millions of Americans, and was connected—as Rand Paul has been saying for some time and is now becoming apparent—with funding the Wuhan laboratory.  He would have lots of company, since  a real president (and a real British PM)  would also arrest all the doctors who denounced the Wuhan theory without disclosing their connection to the laboratory and its global network of researchers.

“OK, so the real America would deal successfully with COVID. What about the other parts of the ongoing crisis:   BLM/Antifa insurrections?  The government would send in the troops?”

I told her, yes, if it were necessary, but it would not be.  First off, the mayors of Portland, Chicago, New York, and Minneapolis could give “shoot to kill” orders to the police, and if the police were not up to the job, governors could send in National Guard units.  But even police action would not be necessary in many parts of the country, where armed citizens would be given immunity to protect lives, property, and historic monuments. Even in this wretched parody of America we are condemned to live in, this is being done.  When BLM rioters marched on a Texas town in order to tear down a statue of a Confederate soldier, something like 200 armed men surrounded the statue and defied the thugs.  

And this proves my case, because the Phildickian  scriptwriters couldn’t cover everything and left a few spots of the real America, where real Americans understood their moral and civic duty and did what had to be done.

“Well, then, if you are the Man in the High Study, does this mean that people should make pilgrimages to seek out your wisdom?  I don’t know how we’re going to feed them.”

Women are always more realistic than men, but I told her not to worry.  Our current dilemma will not be fixed by acts of genius, much less by tinkering with the space-time continuum.  The human race is not a two-legged species of social insects that follow the dictates of the Queen and her future rivals.  We fell into unreality, one by one, and it is up to each of us, one by one and in natural social groups, to find our way back.

The only way to turn your little part of Anti-America into the Real America is to start living your life as if our real history had not been side-tracked by Hollywood.  You can start out small by turning off the TV for good, cancelling your subscription to the newspaper, and getting off social media.  The next step is to avoid contact with most of what has been produced since 1960: pop music, sports, movies, celebrities, and the bipartisan junk politics being peddled by the two wings of the party state.. 

Without professional and college sports, you can go to local high school and semi-pro games.  Without fastfood and take-out, you can learn to cook.  Without iTunes and Youtube, you can go back to playing the piano—or the kazoo.  Without Democrats and Republicans, CNN and FOX, you might start to see some bits of the real world that lies behind the science fiction script the masters have cobbled together--and this includes taking side in the COVID debates or worrying about which set of gangsters won an election.   We  don't have to quit voting:  Elections can serve as a warning to the masters, but we do have to quite pretending that the outcomes matter very much.

Above all, we can quit whining about how bad things are, take charge of  our  lives and, according to our abilities and in the short time that nature and our Creator allows us on this earth, concentrate on doing every day those things that are useful and beautiful.

Women are more hard-headed than men, and I got the expected comeuppance. 

“So what are you doing with your life today, Mr. Guru?  Going to cut the weeds in the back 40?”

Apart from writing this piece and revising a book chapter, I am brushing up on Attic Greek verbs, reading Jonathan Swift, and, after cooking a roast chicken for our guest Mar Kennedy,I shall  treat us all to a Charlie Chan movie with the incomparable Mantan Moreland.  I might even take the new weed-eater out of the box and start charging the battery.

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Thomas Fleming

Thomas Fleming is president of the Fleming Foundation. He is the author of six books, including The Morality of Everyday Life and The Politics of Human Nature, as well as many articles and columns for newspapers, magazines,and learned journals. He holds a Ph.D. in Classics from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and a B.A. in Greek from the College of Charleston. He served as editor of Chronicles: a Magazine of American Culture from 1984 to 2015 and president of The Rockford Institute from 1997-2014. In a previous life he taught classics at several colleges and served as a school headmaster in South Carolina

4 Responses

  1. David says:

    Living well seems to be the best revenge.

    I juxtapose that with this: happiness is getting your haircut once every two weeks while watching your neighbor fall off his roof.

    That i found in a book by Lin Yutang – I’m not sure I’ll ever know what that means but it seems to ring true in a certain sense.

  2. Gregory Fogg says:

    Do yourselves a favor and read Enoch Cade’s latest post at Dr. Wilson’s RECKONIN’.

  3. Harry Colin says:

    Any post that speaks well of Birmingham Brown is by definition brilliant! (For those who have yet to experience Mr. Chan’s movies, Brown’s character is played by Mr. Moreland)

    Thank you, Mr. Fogg for the recommendation; that piece fits together with Dr. Fleming’s like two lungs of a healthy body.

  4. Roger McGrath says:

    The Charlie Chan series is one of my escapes from the daily insanity of today’s America!