Popcorn Venue for Normies

So-called conservatives have been orchestrated into indignant self-righteous action again, this time by a low budget action film about child sex trafficking, ‘Sound of Freedom’ (SoF). The usual pop celebrity mainstream voices on the left all panned the film thereby baiting the attention of many normies and affecting their predictable knee-jerk reactions. 

Anyone who has read The Franklin Scandal sees SoF as a diversion from the essence of the child trafficking problem. In their focus on a Colombian context including a cartel, Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard quixotically tilt at third world windmills while the primary culprits in Washington and Hollywood are left unscathed. 

The elites want the normies to demand that they act, and it does not take much to raise a clarion-call for the desired legislative and bureaucratic actions. SoF motivates an outcry for a solution that is deliberately directed to trigger reactions by the ruling pedophiles in government who stand ready with such global solutions as to microchip children with biometric digital identifiers to make their abductions all the easier and make the populace more controllable.

The list of investors in SoF includes donors who support the Clinton Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Tim Ballard, like many federal agents belongs to a pioneer cult whose founder, Joseph Smith married, among others, both a 13-year-old girl and her mother; the link between Ballard’s core religious beliefs and his actions as dramatized in SoF is dubious. 

Some years back when I studied at the US Army Defense Language Institute, I recall having a discussion with a Presbyterian professor there who suggested that he could assume that anyone from the CIA or FBI who attended his language classes were Mormons. Mormons are not exclusive among religious believers who are often willing to comply with aberrant bureaucratic goals and actions; they certainly do not have a monopoly on that common modernist state of affairs, worldview deficit disorder, but they are often among those most ready to comply and that accounts for their overrepresentation in federal law enforcement, intelligence and other government agencies.

If SoF targeted the actual perpetrators, then Ballard would have been killed and his work erased. The trail of suspicious deaths surrounding the Franklin, Boys Town investigation famously includes the explosion of investigative attorney Gary Caradori’s plane killing him and his 8-year-old son on the eve of his having discovered significant evidence in the Franklin case. His briefcase disappeared from the wreckage and his records were impounded. Along with Caradori, the death of former CIA director William Colby while kayaking is highly suspicious; arguably, his demise was also part of the Franklin coverup. Lesser-known suicides, institutionalizations, and incarcerations all worked together to silence the Franklin victims and discourage any new voices from entering the fray. 

The Franklin case pointed all the way to the top levels of government, and it was squelched. Children from Boys Town, Omaha, were flown to and from DC regularly and the ensuing investigation was heavy-handedly squelched. The trafficked victims were persecuted and silenced by law enforcement at all levels and by complicit media. 

The reality of the Franklin case is too horrifying, complex, and challenging to break through the normalcy bias of the average American who needs a tame simple cause that fits in a slogan. SoF is an unchallenging pop-style action film that rings a bell triggering normies to drool demands for the very controls that the perpetrators desire.

Frank DeRienzo is a retired Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel. He holds a BA in Philosophy from Gordon College and an MBA from the University of Massachusetts and is a graduate of the US Army Defense Language Institute. He currently works with eLearning technology.

Frank DeRienzo

Frank DeRienzo

1 Response

  1. Frank DeRienzo says:

    Errata: Colby not Casey.