Category: Charter


Quo Vadis? (Islam, Episode 18)


Many terrorist attacks have happened since 2002 when the book was first published. We give a roll call of some of them and then revisit Dr. Trifkovic’s five policy points he had offered at that time for dealing with the Islamic threat. We also ask him whether he would be able to publish such a book today and what the consequences would be if he were able to.


The Jews and the “Golden Age” that Never Was (Islam, Episode 13)


Islam has some “tough words” for the Jews, to say the least. In this episode Dr. Trifkovic links the doctrinal beliefs of Islam towards Jews and how that played out in both remote and recent history. Dr. Trifkovic also questions the narrative of Islam being a “contributor” to Western civilization instead of simply being a broker by means of distributing the knowledge and goods of the people it conquered.


Recap and The Role of Shari’a (Islam, Episode 11)


It has been some years since the first half of this program was aired and so we briefly recapitulate some assumptions about what we’ve covered in the series so far before diving into the role of Shari’a in Islamic societies and what is implied for Shari’a in Western societies.