The Fleming Foundation Wants You
Wanted: A Few Good Men and Women
Dear Subscribers and Readers:
The Fleming Foundation needs help. We have virtually no staff but the broken-down old editor plus some part-time help from volunteers, and, if we are going to thrive and grow, we need more.
If you have any useful skills—beyond talking a good game or thinking great thoughts —please consider joining our dedicated band of volunteers. What sorts of skills? Computer and internet experience, for example, secretarial skills, business administration, book editing and publishing, writing and editing… We are deficient in every area.
And compensation? Initially, nothing but good will. Then, after a month or two trial period, we would grant—arbitrarily and capriciously, of course—credit toward many of our products and programs. Eventually, we hope to be able to pay regular stipends for part-time assistance, but that probably will not happen in less than 12 months.
If you would like to help, just to to the top bar on our website and click “About Us” and t then “Contact Us.
Faithfully yours,
Thomas Fleming