BLM Cries Foul!

BLM people are complaining that all sorts of radicals are trying to horn in on the action. According to Andy Vaught, crack investigative reporter for SNO, a group of S&M pedophiles are petitioning in Orange County, California, to change the name of the airport. They want to replace John Wayne--a macho womanizing bigot--with John Wayne Gacey, a popular entertainer who was especially fond of entertaining young men and boys in his house.

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Thomas Fleming

Thomas Fleming is president of the Fleming Foundation. He is the author of six books, including The Morality of Everyday Life and The Politics of Human Nature, as well as many articles and columns for newspapers, magazines,and learned journals. He holds a Ph.D. in Classics from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and a B.A. in Greek from the College of Charleston. He served as editor of Chronicles: a Magazine of American Culture from 1984 to 2015 and president of The Rockford Institute from 1997-2014. In a previous life he taught classics at several colleges and served as a school headmaster in South Carolina

8 Responses

  1. Allen Wilson says:

    Hilarious! But probably also a prophesy of things to come.

  2. Andrew G Van Sant says:

    There you go Clowning around again Dr Fleming.

  3. Vince Cornell says:

    If one walks around downtown Richmond, it looks like a B-movie remake of Mad Max (which was, actually, a B-movie). There are so many members of the LGBTQ+ “community” prancing about in the streets in the most absurd and disgusting costumes, and the “horrid” and “unbearable” statue of Lee itself was bathed in lights to turn it into a rainbow – and in Fredericksburg they had a big BLM “Pride parade” with mostly white people either a part of or supportive of the “community” marching . . . It looks like Black activists got shoved to the back of the bus to give up their seat to the typically more wealthy perverts. Gotta love that social justice.
    Meanwhile, the governor of Virginia can’t figure out how to take his COVID protection mask all the way off when he gives his speeches and talks, so that the mask is still connected to his ears and hanging underneath his chin . . . it makes him look like the Keebler Elf that all the other Keebler Elfs beat up. If “beta male” were in the dictionary, I would submit a shot of Northram with his chin-strap mask on as the perfect accompanying picture.

  4. Gregory Fogg says:

    Northram should be pictured in the dictionary under “sorry”.

  5. Roger Box says:

    This is no surprise, if you review the BLM website and check out their mission, there is a strong paragraph endorsing the woes of the LGBTQ+ people and their oppressed position in the USA. They are just part of the “Team”.

  6. Kellen Buckles says:

    And then there was the Black Trans Lives Matter rally in Brooklyn last week. Doubly oppressed!

  7. Avatar photo Thomas Fleming says:

    Andy Taught asks: “Yes, but what about the black males who tranned into white females? Where do they stand?”

  8. Andrew G Van Sant says:

    Mmmm. Need to put urinals in the women’s rooms? Naw, they already let you use whichever restroom you want to, at least in Maryland.