Anti-Vaccers Unite! You Have Nothing to Lose Except Your Liberty

A number of people opposed to the new flu shot are complaining about the language being used to characterize their position. In particular, they reject the word "refuse." Of course they are right, but, if they would only consider what they are up against, they might have second thoughts.  Suppose this were a real plague--Bubonic, for example, with a death rate in affected cities of 50%. Those who refused the vaccine would be endangering the lives of others.
When the death rate is closer to that of influenza (please don't argue the numbers, because you would be simply falling into a trap they have set for you), the parallel breaks down immediately, but the powers-that- be, with the support of perhaps 200 million sheep, have made the parallel a question of national unity. In such a case, they naturally, sincerely, and without duplicity regard anti-vaccers as something between traitors and serial killers. Too bad they are opposed to capital punishment, because Refusniks would be at the head of their list.
There is no reason to get upset, because this is the way things are, and most people accept the version of reality they receive on the news.
It is good to remember the argument given by the wicked stepmother in that literary and ethical masterpiece, "Hansel and Gretel." When her husband, whose first attempt to kill the children failed, is reluctant to try it again, she tells him, "He who says A, must say B." If I recall correctly, it was a favorite saying of Lenin, and will always be used by every enemy of all that is good and true. If you really think wearing a mask or keeping social distancing saved a large number of lives, they you have signed onto the proposition that those who refuse should be forced to get the jab and probably punished severely. Surely, there are camps along our Southern border, once we have let all the illegals out to prey upon Americans, where the Refusniks could be housed, herded, and brainwashed.
Be Seeing You.
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Thomas Fleming

Thomas Fleming is president of the Fleming Foundation. He is the author of six books, including The Morality of Everyday Life and The Politics of Human Nature, as well as many articles and columns for newspapers, magazines,and learned journals. He holds a Ph.D. in Classics from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and a B.A. in Greek from the College of Charleston. He served as editor of Chronicles: a Magazine of American Culture from 1984 to 2015 and president of The Rockford Institute from 1997-2014. In a previous life he taught classics at several colleges and served as a school headmaster in South Carolina

15 Responses

  1. David says:

    Who is the husband, the push over, in that story? And who is the Gingerbread House Witch?

    Push over husband = the tv watching cattle ?

    Witch = the tv ?



  2. Joe Porreca says:

    The covid vaccine is experimental, according to the NIH ( In scientific experiments, results are carefully gathered, aren’t they? What kind of scientific record keeping is being done on this population-wide medical experiment? The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is largely unknown and voluntary. It is not a reliable guide to results and side effects of the experimental covid vaccine. Pardon me if I am suspicious of this. Short term side effects of the experimental covid vaccine are not scientifically known, and there is no idea of the long term side effects, which might plausibly include sterility and cancer.
    Instead of calling me a sociopath, the media mavens ought to explain why we should get an experimental vaccine to protect against a disease we probably won’t get (this is not the Bubonic plague, as Dr. Fleming noted), and if we do get it, there is a very good chance that we would recover naturally and with the help of treatments (if we would be informed about them) such as Ivermectin. An eminent British medical researcher, Dr. Tess Lawrie, said that she stopped doing randomized controlled studies of Ivermectin and covid because she became convinced of the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating covid, and she could not in good conscience give a placebo to a person who was sick with covid instead of prescribing Ivermectin.
    Coercing people to take the experimental covid vaccine, as is now happening to college students, and which is being considered for the entire population, is a violation of the Nuremberg Code of 1947, which forbids forcing people to participate in medical experiments. Our liberty is indeed at stake.

  3. Robert Reavis says:

    One of the good effects of Covid is the exposure of our idolatry towards a certain notion of science that is false as hell. Our notion is that it reveals metaphysical truths when in reality it is dialectical and rhetorical. From Galileo to Dr Fauci the condescension is often political and only rarely truthful. But many still come to worship and practice this peculiar faith in Fauci, wearing masks, keeping distances from work and neighbors and hoping in the next concoction against the next mutation of a disease.

  4. Dom says:

    I have always loathed the label “anti-vaccer”. While I have always been happy to give our children whatever the pediatrician recommended, I feel more threatened by the self-righteous freak crusading against “anti-vaccers” than every unvaccinated child put together.
    Regarding the current vaccine: even if we were faced with the Black Death, who cares? There is a vaccine available for anyone who wishes to take it.
    This whole thing is just a piece of the alphabet puzzle. C and D are the drafting of women and coerced abortion. Like Aesop’s Fox Without a Tail, except he murders all the kits.

  5. Robert Reavis says:

    Yes you said what I only insinuated. I should have added that I am vaccinated, my wife is vaccinated and my children are vaccinated but people still die.

  6. Avatar photo Thomas Fleming says:

    Some diseases spread exponentially more rapidly in dense populations where people do not avail themselves of vaccines or antibiotics, and since some people are less likely to develop the necessary immunity even if they receive a vaccine or treatment, it is very much in a city’s interest to require even a far riskier vaccine than the COVIC shot. Similarly, we should be outraged if the government burns down, tears down, or confiscates our house, but if our house is on the outside of the city wall, which is about to be attacked by an enemy, it is destroyed, as were houses in plague time if they were believed to be harboring the disease. There are few absolutes in politics and law, but, as lawyers say, hard cases make good law. No disease that has struck the USA in my lifetime is sufficiently dangerous to make vaccines mandatory. As for the term anti-vaccer, there are such people. A moderate anti-vaccer used to work for me, and I could never figure outjors how a political thought major thought himself justified in making pronouncements on subjects he had not studied, but, in fact, that is the nature of all the BS majors in America.

  7. Avatar photo Thomas Fleming says:

    I should add that I agree entirely with Mr Porrecca that the term anti-vaccer is misapplied to people who have reservations about a new vaccine that has not been subjected to the usual testing process.

  8. Joe Porreca says:

    Thank you, Dr. Fleming. To be clear, as an adult I have voluntarily received the hepatitus and shingles vaccines. To be able to accompany my siblings on a trip to Europe to visit our father’s birthplace in Abruzzo and our uncle’s grave in the American Military Cemetery in Margraten, Holland, I would get the covid vaccine. But so far I have not seen a reason that we should get an experimental covid vaccine, especially since there are medicines that have been effective in treating covid in case we get it.

  9. Eric Peterson says:

    Most of the drop in cases and deaths after each wave is from self-quarantine. People don’t need to wear masks or stay six feet apart if they don’t go out in public. Now we have a much more open economy than one year ago, but no new wave (yet). The UK has a wave with 6 times more cases than their first wave last spring. But their deaths are 27 a day, over 30 times less than last spring. Their delta variant seems to be all bark and no bite.

    A year ago on another forum I read a comment that we should let the virus spread and mutate into more infectious but less lethal forms. I couldn’t (wouldn’t) believe it. Now I do. I still believe the vaccinations help. But the risks need to be weighed by each individual against their own potential benefits including people around them that they might not want to spread COVID to.

  10. Vince Cornell says:

    I’m confused – are we, the Refusniks, in the wrong? I don’t care if folks get the COVID shot(s), but I’ve seen enough interviews with well credentialed experts (i.e. not crackpot internet conspiracy theorists) and read enough articles and looked at enough data to have, what I believe, are rational doubts about the safety of the COVID shot(s). I don’t think it’s some sort of global conspiracy to depopulate the world, but with the unlimited incompetence of the bureaucracy of our government being combined with the insatiable greed of the pharmaceutical companies (I see Pfizer as some sort of third-rate movie serial villain, standing off in the wings rubbing his greasy hands together with dollar signs for eyes) – I think it’s reasonable to assert that the hubris of modern scientists is easy prey for the opportunists. It’s not as if medical science has a good track record to speak of. When they started demanding folks who already had natural immunity had to get the shot(s) anyway, didn’t they more or less give away the game?
    If, after time has passed, the shots are shown to be both safe and effective, I would have no objections. Until then, knowing that I’m facing a ruthless tyranny looking everyday to destroy more and more normal people, am I in the wrong for “refusing” the shot until there are no other options? I mean, I’ll probably end up dying in the gulag inevitably for numerous reasons, visiting this website being one of them – should I be in a rush to take a medicine I don’t need and whose safety I doubt when I’ll just wind up in the same stupid concentration camp anyway?

  11. Robert Reavis says:

    We are whatever they say we are but the truth is that herd immunity occurs in ways we don’t actually understand and in the meantime life goes on and each citizen must do what they must do. I have respect for those who refuse just as I do for those who must, like the tramp, move on. We live in strange times.

  12. Michael Strenk says:

    I cannot presently conceive of any set of circumstances which would induce me to willingly accept this injection. Giving this experimental gene therapy to children is a crime against humanity. I think that the notion of effective vaccines is a beautiful myth woven by a series of early charlatans like Jenner and Pasteur and latched onto by greedy manufacturers and peddlers practicing an ancient form of theft praying on the weak and fearful. There is no clear evidence of the efficacy of any vaccine of which I am aware. 90% of the reduction of the occurrence of the diseases the vaccines for which are most touted as effective happened before the vaccinations were rolled out in the 1960’s.

    If the vaccine industry wants to assuage the concerns of those of us who believe that their concoctions have done more harm than good let them renounce the legal protection from lawsuits that they insisted on in the mid-1980’s, using bugbear threats against politicians and a population not sufficiently able to see through their bluff. No other pharmaceutical product, to my knowledge, enjoys such protection and yet Big Pharma continues to profit, even outside of their guaranteed profits for vaccines, despite frequent and massive fines and awards to plaintiffs for insufficient testing and just plain fraud.

  13. Eric Peterson says:

    I’m an engineer not a vaccinologist, so I’ll just have to talk my book. After looking into the two options, the actual gene therapy J&J appeared to be the best choice. It winds up producing the same mRNA as the other two providers which are not gene therapy. But I believe the dose is more even from a more systemic process and that seems to bear out in side effects. I talked with one older gentleman tonight about the permanent effects on his left arm.

    The J&J gene therapy itself is not very experimental, being used for about 20 years for cancer treatment. Definitely has risks, and more risks than a typical “dead virus” vaccine. But it “worked” producing spike antibodies which I didn’t have in two previous tests. Those antibodies theoretically should help prevent COVID. It’s essentially how vaccines work.

    My choice was driven by being around a large group of older retirees including our dinner tonight. My employer strongly encourages it, but doesn’t mandate it. I think mandates are immoral considering the natural immunity from past infection, and the mRNA wrapped in nano-lipids which I believe are experimental looking at the state of animal studies which were not very successful. There are some studies showing the benefits of convalescent plasma with those antibodies but those studies are still somewhat uncontrolled and anecdotal. I think the antibodies produced are better than nothing for some people, but I agree with Michael: not for children.

  14. Michael Strenk says:

    Mr. Peterson, Dr. David Martin speaks a language on this topic that might be attractive to an engineer. This is not a wise-crack. Engineers are thick on the ground in my family. This is a very dense interview but, I think, highly rewarding in granting perspective on this thing.

    In my opinion, no-one, especially not the young, the weak or those with “comorbidities” should be subjecting themselves to this injection. Those at the top promoting it are trying to create fear, poverty, chaos, war and the disease outbreaks which will inevitably follow, any way that they can. They feel that they will continue to profit from these things as they have consistently done in the past.

  15. Dom says:

    Mr. Reavis,
    I must have been writing my post while you were writing yours. I didn’t see it until after I hit “Submit”.
    I always appreciate your posts. Thank you.