Back to the Future II: The Olympics
I haven't paid much attention to the Olympics for years. It. has been a long time since the Games were a genuine amateur sport. All my life they have been big business that guaranteed endorsements and jobs to the winners. When they allowed professional basketball players in, it was a public declaration that they were giving up any pretense that the Olympic Games were a competition for amateur sportsman modeled on the ancient Olympics.
It has not taken long for every major sport to turn to Vegas for inspiration, and the 2024 Games have reached a new depth of vulgarity. Every other news report includes tales of free condoms and sex orgies among the athletes, and the even before the first race was run, fans were treated to Celine Dionne. That would have been enough for me. Most of the performances recall the claims of Democratic presidents that they are giving us a cabinet that looks like America: Pete Buttigieg, Karine Jean-Pierre, Rachel Levine, and of course Sam Brinton, the transvestite thief of women's dresses in charge of nuclear waste security.
Not to be outdone, the Olympic Committee gave us what many are calling a LGBetc parody of the Last Supper. It is interesting that these freaks are so unimaginative that they can not even invent their own religious mythology, but like other Satanists, they can only hang crosses upside down and recite the Mass backwards, But even if it was really about Dionysus and not intended as anti-Christian blasphemy, it should still be condemned as a mean-spirited attack on the ancient Greeks. And if had nothing to do with Dionysus, then TeamGB should protest that it is an insult to the ancient Britons who painted themselves blue. And if all else fails, Smurfs world-wide should rise up in protest.
With my hold on 2024 becoming ever more tenuous, I slipped unconsciously into 14th century Florence, where I looked up Petrarch, who had slipped unnoticed into the city that had exiled his father along with Dante. I told him, in terms I hoped he would understand, the woeful tale of the 24 Olympics, and I asked him what he thought. He first reminded me of Dante's portrayal of Sodomites in his account of Hell. When I probed him for an explanation of how so many people could bear to watch such dismal filth or listen to Celine Dione or admire athletes who lived like zoo animals, he reminded me of what he had written in De Vita Solitaria:
It is nothing more or less than imitation, reckless and persistent and not content with any limits that may be imposed on it, that has brought in these distasteful and disagreeable caprices and having brought them in continues to nourish and foster them . How indeed can men be expected to maintain a consistent course of life when they do not submit to be ruled by virtue, or reason, or the advice of friends, but allow themselves to he whirled about by the madness of strangers and the wild caprice of fools?
I protested that silly fads and fashions in dress and manners were one thing, and American pop music and blasphemy quite another. He replied that they are all the caprice of fools imitating other fools. I suppose he must be right. There have always been human failures who could never be sure who or what they were, and, unless they were born to wealth, they slipped between the cracks into a subterranean subexistence. But, at least since the beginning of the 20th century (and we could trace it much farther back), artists and intellectuals have celebrated the incompetent, the ugly, the perverse, the self-destructive. What else explains the manufactured status of Picasso and Schoenberg to say nothing the inanities produced by Jackson Pollock and John Cage? If the arts that once made sense of the world have been turned into noise and nonsense, what chance have the cud-chewing herds of dedicated followers of fashion? (Apologies to Ray Davies and the Kinks!)
When I was a boy, my father pointed out that, starting in the late 1950s, no handsome virile man could be a movie star. In place of William Powell, John Wayne, and Robert Taylor, we were asked to admire Paul Newman, Marlon Brando, James Dean, Rock Hudson, Tony Curtis and later, in the Hesiodic progression from gold to lead, .Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon. To every rule there are a few exceptions, and Sean Connery is an obvious one. My father enjoyed "Danger Man" (retitled in the USA "Secret Agent") and pointed out that Patrick McGoohan, with his strong features and decisive character, would have a tough time in Hollywood playing anything but villains--though he was twice offered James Bond, which he wisely turned down on moral grounds. Fortunately, his last big role was the heroically evil Edward I, for which in any just universe he would have received every award the film "industry" can provide.
Both Hollywood and the Olympics give us vivid images of the transformation of the American character, from Myrna Loy and Irene Dunn to Sharon Stone and Angelina Jolie, from Robert Mitchum to Robert de Niro (both in Cape Fear), from Bruce Jenner (1974 Olympics) to Caitlyn Jenner.
The prosecution rests.
Back in the 1950s Fred Pohl and Cyril Kornbluth wrote Space Merchants, a prophetic Sci Fi novel of a world future dominated by admen. Kornbluth also wrote two short stories that were a source for Mike Judge's Idiocracy. The film, the short stories, the novel describe a dystopian future that falls short of today's reality.
When a people, whose noses are being pulled by advertising and the studios, comes to identify with lower-class losers, they become themselves., ineluctably losers. Poor Lot, he thought he could find a few good men in Sodom, when his neighbors were looking to rape the angels who visited him. Today, they are all watching the Olympics.
We’ve come a long way from the 84 Olympics, when, as a young teen, I was captivated by Katarina Witt, and then went through some cognitive dissonance when she turned out to be one of those awful East Germans, not one of those nice West Germans. Videos of her hugging evil Eric Honecker and kissing him on the cheek at public events still make me cringe, but of course we can’t judge the poor girl too harshly, as she seems to have been apolitical and unaware of the evil she was hugging, and if she had been aware, her family would have suffered if she had refused. Besides, it wasn’t her fault that she was born and lived not far from the Berlin wall, just outside west Berlin.
The subhumans of the Olympic committee are digging their own graves. Many nations are fed up with all that wokeness and it seems that the Russians are going to start another international competition. The Olympics may not be long for this world lest they be purged. I’ve noticed that lately the favorite Olympic sports of my youth, women’s figure skating. women’s tennis, women’s swimming, and women’s gymnastics, now feature what can only be described as female Schwarzeneggers. Why watch them anymore, unless you want to try to guess how many steroids one of them has taken and for how long, and that’s assuming one of them isn’t a man passing himself off as a woman?
The question here is, if the Olympic committee and the rest of their ilk think they have finally subdued Christianity and driven it from public life, why are they continuing to attack it in such perverse, in your face ways? Would it not be wiser just to ignore it completely as if it no longer existed? Why are they so obsessed? It’s as if they still feel the need to rebel. What is left to rebel against?
The 2024 Olympic opening ceremony can be analyzed in one word: narcissism. No different than the pink-haired persons (”Look at ME! Look at ME!!) or tattoo covered people (”Look at ME! Look at ME!!) or the BLM yard-signers (”Look at ME! Look at ME!!) or rainbow-flaggers (”Look at ME! Look at ME!!), the drag queens (”Look at ME! Look at ME!!), the transgender freaks (”Look at ME! Look at ME!!) the nose-ring wearers (”Look at ME! Look at ME!!) or the special pronoun-people (”Look at ME! Look at ME!!).
The anti-Christian display in Paris did not say “look at this artistic creation.” It said: “Look at ME! Look at ME!!”
“why are they continuing to attack it in such perverse, in your face ways? “
The typical explanation and collective imperative to permit, tolerate and more recently, encourage hate of every sort— especially against the mass, has been “we got rights and should be allowed the freedom to exercise them.” And indeed they will. But there have been serious minds and seers, such as Virgil, Dante and Shakespeare who would also add—“and maybe forever!”
Tom’s right–as usual. The amateur ethos of the Olympics is long gone. In the 50s I loved to watch newsreel footage of the Olympics, mostly of track & field. Bobby Morrow had a great Olympics in ’56. Dave Sime may have been better but was injured. Sime’s return to the sprints in the 1960 Olympics is almost mythical. He was in medical school and hadn’t run for nearly two years. He trained for no more than a couple of months and made the U.S. team and then took a Silver Medal in the 100 in a photo finish with the German (West) star Armin Hary taking the Gold. Track & field was full of those kinds of stories in the true amateur days. Think of Bob Mathias. It was really fun back then.
I see Allen Wilson and I both thought Katarina Witt was a cutie. She had perfectly shaped and developed legs with small knees and ankles. That was more than 40 so please don’t tell me what she looks like today.
And Wilson, Stephen Chaplin, and Robert Reavis are all too right about the decadent state of Olympic opening ceremony and general atmosphere of the games. No wonder the Muslims are taking over parts of Europe. The Muslims are not overpowering resistance but simply filling a vacuum.
Tom’s mention of leading men in the Hollywood of old is something my wife comments on regularly. What a striking difference between the likes of Clark Gable, Errol Flynn, Jimmy Stewart, Gary Cooper, John Wayne, et al. and leading men today.
Patrick McGoohan did great work in whatever he was in. He lived about a block away from me in Pacific Palisades. After a night of heavy drinking at a bar in Santa Monica, he’d be up at the crack of dawn for a long walk on the beach. He had a dark-haired good-looking wife and two daughters. One looked just like the wife and the other just like him. He was a good guy, who didn’t mind shooting the breeze. He had quite a command of history and literature.
Both Hollywood and the Olympics give us vivid images of the transformation of the American character, from Myrna Loy and Irene Dunn to Sharon Stone and Angelina Jolie, from Robert Mitchum to Robert de Niro (both in Cape Fear), from Bruce Jenner (1974 Olympics) to Caitlyn Jenner.
The prosecution rests.
Saw the headline that one of the spiritual sons of Caitlyn Jenner beat an Italian woman boxer so hard she quit after 46 seconds. And the world celebrates that a man beat a woman in the face so hard she cried and quit, which is marginally more bizarre than the world celebrating actual women beating each other in the face as hard as they can. Meanwhile, the only image I’ve seen from the 2024 Olympics that I enjoyed was the pistol shooter from Turkey who had no special gear, looked like he got up off his sofa to compete, kept one hand in his pocket, and still wound up winning the Silver Medal.
And that’s all I’ve seen of the Olympics, despite my best efforts to avoid it entirely.
Mr Cornell,
Artificiality, sentimentality and cruelty were the most often mentioned marks of modernism. (The late Claude Polin liked to include blood as another and he had a very good case for it.)I always find the poor remainder type, like the recently revealed party leader, Ms Kamala Harris, to be peculiar and even random in selecting the various blood sports against women they support and those they condemn.
I did not see the Italian woman get slugged twice by the Algerian man but I heard about it. I spoke with a judge friend of mine later this afternoon who spent his day on domestic violence claims.
I never wanted my daughters to box, or try to fight like men, join the military, burn their undergarments or liberate themselves completely from reality. I know it’s as “weird” as the witches in McBeth for me to discourage, and therefore deprive them of such high aspirations but that is just how selfish, shortsighted, hateful and demeaning white males could be just a few decades ago.
I wish more of Claude Polin’s and Jean Raspail’s (mentioned by Dr. Fleming recently) work were available in English – no hope of my ever reading them in French I’m afraid.
Among the many immediate voices of protest over this abomination one predictably was missing; Bergoglio remained silent for eight days after the July 26th incident finally releasing some terse, empty platitudes in a press release on Aug 3rd (apparently at the request of Moslem Turkish President Erdogan). Many Catholics did however, despite the indifference of the Jorge of Babylon, quickly gather in public places to pray in reparation; in that lay uprising there is hope.