Tagged: Christian


Poem by Thomas Chatterton

Chatterton, a late 18th century poet, is more famous as a legend–the teenage poet who died at 17–than as a writer.  The Romantics, French as well as English, lionized him.  His best known poems are the medievalizing  verses he attributed to a 15th century poet, but his talent for painting satiric portraits is evident in “Apostate Will”–a fine sketch of the clergy on the make,


Abortion and the Laws of Nature

The obligation to care for one’s offspring is a human universal, like the incest taboo or the prohibition of murder.  Human and primate mothers, as a rule, devote themselves to their children, and mother-love is regarded conventionally as the most selfless and irrational forms of human attachment.



As a child in the 1950s, my father–not a conservative but a Democrat–discouraged us from going to Disney movies, though he did not object to anything about Duckburg and its citizens.