Tagged: terrorism


The Last Sunday after Pentecost

“This would be a great target to hit.”  It was Tuesday, and I closed my eyes and pictured an explosion ripping through the Eurostar that was taking me from Paris to London.  Done at the right time, with the proper amount of explosives, such an act could destroy or severely cripple the Chunnel, kill hundreds of travelers of dozens of nationalities, and chill rail travel for months, if not years.  I opened my eyes again, and gazed at the lovely French countryside. I’m not morbid by nature, but wars, and rumors of wars, have been on my mind since November 13th....


FF Podcast, Episode 1: The Paris Bombings


On this maiden voyage of the Fleming Foundation into podcasting, Dr. Thomas Fleming and Dr. Srdja Trifkovic discuss the recent bombings in Paris from both an American and a European perspective. Please enjoy and feel free to give feedback and ask questions. This is a work in progress so please be gentle on us!   Original Air Date: November 18, 2015 Show Run Time: 54 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming, Dr. Srdja Trifkovic Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner The Fleming Foundation · FF Podcast, Episode 1: The Paris Bombings   The Fleming Foundation Podcast℗ is a Production of the Fleming...


Branding Disaster

Earlier this year, after the Charlie Hebdo shootings, I reflected on the conversations that may or may not ensue from the changing of a facebook profile picture.  As my facebook news feed in the last few days has changed into a wash of the modern French flag (the tricolor) I’ve reflected further on our need, as a consumer-driven culture, to “brand” disaster. Clearly the French didn’t start the #prayforparis trend – as it’s an English phrase.  #jesuischarlie started up so quickly because the attack was directed at a specific target for a specific reason.  The French reacted, in their own...


Huis Clos (No Exit) from Terrorism

If you listen to the official press or even look at comments on news websites, Islamic terrorism is some sort of natural disaster caused by sun spots, global warming, or the political equivalent of fracking.  One comment on the Washington Post summed up the popular despair.  The commenter wanted to know why our government could not stop these attacks, but added he had no idea of how it could be done. On leftist news sites,  a favorite talking point is to blame religion in general.  Yes, those vicious Buddhists, Confucianists, and Neo-Platonists, for centuries they have been waging war on...


From Under the Rubble: The Wearin’ of the Cross

In simpler times when our world was young, we used to sing, “It’s a Barnum and Bailey world/Just as phony as it can be.”  Now we might just as well call it an Obama and Osama world:  It’s still  phony but a lot more dangerous than circus lions. A Palestinian Muslim named–what else?–Muhammad kills five military men.  The cry goes up:  Why did this happen?  What made him do it?  His family– described by people who know them as a “typical American family”–say this is not the son they knew but the victim of depression, and ABC News makes headlines with revelations about his use of drugs. Many...