Summer Symposium, Day Two
9:00 E. Christian Kopff: “Ockham and Nominalism: The crucial event in the history of Western culture?”
10:45 James Patrick: "The Fortunes of Rationalism: Unitarianism, Latitudinarianism, and Dissent"
2:00 Thomas Fleming: “The Ancient Roots of the Conspiracy”
3:30 Frank Brownlow: “King Lear: Nature's Reformation”
4:30 Brief Dibattito
6:30 Dinner at The Irish Rose
First night dinner at Deli Italia
Really wish I could be there. Price is a little too steep though (considering I’d have to pay for the event, and travel to Rockford and back to Richmond. ) The talks seem really interesting.
My advice to the young is to decide what is important and then try to do it. We do offer some scholarship relief to students.
Are you in Virginia, Khater?
I also wish I could be there. I hope to hear much more about these lectures or to see them in written form.