Rex Scott

Rex Scott

2 Responses

  1. Vince Cornell says:

    You know, if I didn’t know better I would start to suspect that Dr. Fleming isn’t much of a Joe Rogan fan.

    Watching some of the Ever Maskers milling around here in our local grocery store has made me wonder – what would it take to break such folks out of the fear that seems to dominate their life? Did the old public rituals play not only a religious role but also a practical psychological role? When they had a public procession with incense and statues and chants to St. Michael with a Benediction on the streets calling upon Our Lord to save them from a plague, in addition to imploring for actual graces from God was it simultaneously giving the average citizen a big enough and important enough event to make a psychological break with the state of fear they had been living under. Or did they just not suffer the same types of crippling fears in which the milquetoast modern man is mired despite facing far worse fates with far fewer medicines and reliefs? Or was the procession or such like ritual just a sign of the healthy community behind it, which gave the comfort needed when staring disease in the face?

    I have no idea, but I wish I knew what could be done to get the mask zombies to snap out of it. From 99.98% survivability rates to them getting triple (soon quadruple) jabbed to them even getting and surviving COVID themselves – nothing seems to shake at the roots of the fear that they’ve decided to shape the rest of their lives around.

    But at least we can all be thankful that Neil Young’s music is back on Spotify! That’s at least one crisis averted!

  2. Avatar photo Thomas Fleming says:

    Vince, sad news you tell of Spotify. Not as if I have ever used it. I have a trial subscription to Apple Music, where there is a lot of good music, but it is set up for kids, so each movement of a symphony counts as “a song” and, unless you are very careful, the first movement of a Haydn symphony is followed by something form Bartok followed by Garth Brooks.