Last Spaceship: Cinema
Dr. Fleming says that the cultural elite who read this site might be interested in applying the spaceship game to movies. Like it or not, they are the chief art form of our time
Dr. Fleming says that the cultural elite who read this site might be interested in applying the spaceship game to movies. Like it or not, they are the chief art form of our time
There is a game I play lately, probably a symptom of old age. If I was on the last spaceship leaving a dying Earth and I could take 10 books, what would they be? (Of course, since it is a game, you could expand it to 20 or 50.)
Dr. Francis passed away in 2005 at the early age of 57. But he left a treasury of commentary on the American regime of the 20th century that rang true for many at the time and since. Few commentaries on our current condition have been more acute and profound.
The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, and we are all happy that a repulsive gaping sore in American law is gone and that Satan’s helpers have got a swat on the snout… However,
Those of us who want to save our country from a corrupt Establishment and the reign of Cultural Marxism may well be a minority, and a dwindling minority at that. Still, we have much support among good people whose intellectual and moral quality outranks the ruling regime.
Many, many years ago, in my callow and misspent youth, I had a lapel button that said: “Don’t let them immanentize the eschaton.” This was a pretty good saying and conversation starter despite the fact, as I recall, that it was popularized by the intellectually shallow poseur William Buckley. The saying was an over-simplified reference to the vast, erudite, and dense writings of Eric Voegelin. Reduced shamefully to the simplest terms, immanentizing the eschaton is an attempt to bring Heaven to earth by the actions of men. For Christian civilization the given universe is a divine design which includes the...
Our Founding Fathers in their deliberations often referred to “the genius of the people.” It was a concept long familiar in Western civilizational discussions of society and government. What did they mean?
It seems our new Chief of Staff of all the armed forces, one Milley, has come out in favour of teaching Critical Race Theory at West Point and has endorsed other “woke” opinions and initiatives. Who is this disgrace to every person who has ever died or suffered in arms for America in the last two centuries?
What a Presidential “press conference” might look like if the U.S. had real journalists. Imagine the answers. Or even a real system of debate where the Prime Minister has to answer questions from the Opposition. Or even if we had a real Opposition party.
For millions of Americans President Trump has become the symbol, voice, and hope of saving their America from ongoing destruction. Though the hope he raised remains spectacularly unfulfilled, he is still its recognized representative.