Author: Josh Doggrell


A Most Sinister Villain

Alzheimer’s is a most sinister villain. It is one that cannot be pursued and apprehended. It cannot be incarcerated or brought to justice. No correction nor reformation is possible. Retribution and satisfaction are elusive to the victim and the weary family. If it was a man, I would challenge it to a duel.



This is the month in times past we used to celebrate such wicked conceptions as “Father’s Day.” Now we pause (for a whole month…and large parts of the others) to pay homage to sexual perversity and gender confusion.


The South–And the Kennedy Brothers–Is Still Right, Conclusion

These were the  beginnings of a blooming Southern “radical.” There was a mixture of emotions boiling inside me when reading The South Was Right. This was sort of like a boy learning that his dead father was not the monster portrayed by some disgruntled family member all his life. There was joy at learning that my ancestors were not the pigs I had been told they were. The very title of the Kennedys work emphasized not only that our Southern ancestors were not wrong, and not that they thought they were right — they were right. The South Was Right


The South–and the Kennedy Brothers–Still Right, Part One of Two

The first time I personally witnessed cowardice at high levels was upon the occasion of the first edition of The South Was Right being introduced into my high-school library.  In 1993 my father and I joined our local Major John Pelham Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans in Jacksonville, Alabama. It was at a meeting of that camp that I spoke with a man (whose name I cannot recall) who told me he was a past principal of my school. He spoke to me about a new book by a pair of Louisiana twins that was a scholarly and...


THE ‘RONA REACTION (“Keeping Everyone Safe”)

I used to consider the practice of what is absurdly called “Daylight Saving Time” to be the premiere example of the gullibility of mankind. Then came the reaction to Covid (or, as we call it in Alabama, “The Rona”). Covid coyly told DST, “Hold my beer.” To borrow from Forrest Gump, I’m not a smart man. I do not claim to be a medical expert, or a scientist, or a physician. I believe the virus is a real thing. I consider myself neither a conspiracy theorist nor a coincidence theorist. But God did give me a brain, with which I...