Category: Feature


Taking Responsibility for Crime

Willie Smith III was executed today in Alabama for the brutal and capricious murder of a woman he had kidnapped from an ATM.  The usual critics of the death penalty have not been silent in their opposition to Smith’s execution.  


What’s Happened to the Eschaton?

Many, many years ago, in my callow and misspent youth, I had a lapel button that said:  “Don’t let them immanentize the eschaton.” This was a pretty good saying and conversation starter despite the fact, as I recall, that it was popularized by the intellectually shallow poseur William Buckley. The saying was an  over-simplified reference to the vast, erudite, and dense writings of Eric Voegelin.  Reduced shamefully to the simplest terms, immanentizing the eschaton is an attempt to bring Heaven to earth by the actions of men.  For Christian civilization the given universe is a divine design which includes the...


Resisting Evil, IV: The Duty to Defend

Christ’s equation of physical violence with internal anger raises questions that juries often have to face: What are the circumstances that might justify the use of lethal violence in self-defense?  Specifically, when an argument leads to a violent altercation, does the one party bear any responsibility for the consequences if, though the other party struck the first blow, his own anger was a contributing factor?