Category: FUTR


From Under the Rubble, Episode 8: The Last Presidential Debate


Thomas Fleming and his former radio partner Paul Youngblood scrutinize the last presidential debate and the toxic nuclear fallout in the media. If you’re new to the Foundation and our work, please register as a free user and get access to some of our content. Show Sponsor: Members Who Support Our Work Original Air Date: October 25, 2016 Show Run Time: 38 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming Show Host(s): Paul Youngblood The Fleming Foundation · From Under the Rubble, Episode 8: The Last Presidential Debate   From Under the Rubble℗ is a Production of the Fleming Foundation. Copyright 2016....


From Under the Rubble, Episode 7: News Roundup September 30 2016


Weekly News Roundup, September 30. The Debate, The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name, NFL Traitors. If you’re new to the Foundation and our work, please register as a free user and get access to some of our content. Show Sponsor: Members Who Support Our Work Original Air Date: September 30, 2016 Show Run Time: 29 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming Show Host(s): Paul Youngblood The Fleming Foundation · From Under the Rubble, Episode 7: News Roundup September 30 2016   From Under the Rubble℗ is a Production of the Fleming Foundation. Copyright 2016. All Rights are Reserved.


From Under the Rubble, Episode 6: Burkini Ban


In this episode of From Under the Rubble Dr. Fleming reflects on the recent burkini controversy in France and its implications for so-called “religious freedom” both in the Old World and the New. Original Air Date: September 12, 2016 Show Run Time: 39 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner The Fleming Foundation · From Under the Rubble, Episode 6: Burkini Ban   From Under the Rubble℗ is a Production of the Fleming Foundation. Copyright 2016. All Rights are Reserved.


From Under the Rubble, Episode 5: Libertarianism


In today’s episode of From Under the Rubble Dr. Fleming takes a hard look at Libertarianism – its theories, its adherents, and its positive – and negative aspects. Is there such a thing as a Christian Libertarian? What were the lessons learned from the Buchanan insurgency? What is the future of libertarian/conservative working groups? Host Stephen Heiner also questions Dr. Fleming about the characters in and around the Libertarian movement over the last half century, like Murray Rothbard, Hans Hermann Hoppe, Lew Rockwell, and the like. Original Air Date: May 25, 2016 Show Run Time: 55 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr....


From Under the Rubble, Episode 4: Civil Disobedience


In this episode of From Under the Rubble, Dr. Thomas Fleming addresses something very much in the headlines these days: Civil Disobedience. Is it lawful and right? Host Stephen Heiner also asks our guest about the civil rights movement, while Dr. Fleming asks the larger question: what do we do in a civilized society when confronted with odious laws, dictates, and decrees? Original Air Date: May 7, 2016 Show Run Time: 40 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner The Fleming Foundation · From Under the Rubble, Episode 4: Civil Disobedience   From Under the Rubble℗ is...


From Under the Rubble, Episode 3: The Unborn Don’t Have Rights


Two political gaffes—one by Donald Trump and one by Hillary Clinton—injected pre-partum infanticide, known euphemistically as abortion, into the current presidential campaign. Ironically, both Trump and Clinton told the truth more or less, and the uproar they caused is a sign that the pro-life movement is headed in the wrong direction. Original Air Date: April 20, 2016 Show Run Time: 31 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming Show Host(s): James Easton The Fleming Foundation · From Under the Rubble, Episode 3: The Unborn Don’t Have Rights   From Under the Rubble℗ is a Production of the Fleming Foundation. Copyright 2016....


From Under the Rubble, Episode 2: 2016 Presidential Campaigns


The 2016 Presidential campaigns have proved to be unusually entertaining, but the emergence of Donald Trump as front-runner represents the first serious challenge in decades to the hegemony of the Democrat-Republican party state. Original Air Date: March 28, 2016 Show Run Time: 1 hour 5 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming Show Host(s): James Easton The Fleming Foundation · From Under the Rubble, Episode 2: 2016 Presidential Campaigns   From Under the Rubble℗ is a Production of the Fleming Foundation. Copyright 2016. All Rights are Reserved.


From Under the Rubble, Episode 1: The Confederate Flag


The attack on Southern symbols has nothing to do with opposing slavery or helping black Americans. It is an attempt to eliminate an important cultural and political tradition that goes back to Washington, Jefferson, and Madison. Such campaigns to eliminate historic identities are defined–and condemned–in international law as “cultural genocide.” Cultural genocide is not a technique used by free republics but by totalitarian ideological states. Even northerners who have little interest in the South should begin to understand that this attack on the South and its flag-bearing cross will inevitably be followed by overt attacks on Christianity and on America...


From Under the Rubble, Episode 0: Introduction


Dr. Fleming explains the theme of the series, invoking the example of Russian dissidents who were not content to criticize specific policies of the USSR but zeroed in on the flawed principles on which the regime rested. The USA, which began as a constitutional republic, has tended more and more to accept the principles of the French Revolution. Even conservatives accept leftwing theories of equality and human rights as the cornerstone of their ideology. To resist the radicalization of America, we must debunk the false principles that justify the destruction of authentic American liberties. Original Air Date: November 20, 2015...