Category: Podcasts
Gulliver’s Travels PART 1
In this first episode in a four part series, Jim Easton and Dr. Fleming talk about the First Book of Gulliver’s Travels and set the work in its historical context. The series is being offered as a gift to Charter Subscribers, and, when it is complete, the episodes will be made available at a small fee to non-charter subscribers and the general public.
Lia Thomas is More than a Woman.
If transgenders cannot pose as women athletes, why can women athletes pose as males?
Ukraine, Is Putin Insane?
Dr. Fleming and Rex talk the whys and wherefores of the war in Ukraine and the American media campaign of disinformation .
Rogan VS Young, The Digital Battle
Dr. Fleming explains to Rex both sides of this Covid controversy.
Juveniles Tried as Adults for Murder, Right or Wrong?
Dr. Fleming explains to Rex, the criteria of the insanity of children who kill.
Not Just a Number, Episode 18, Dem Bones
In this final episode of our season-long series, Dr. Fleming and Stephen reflect on the themes of the Prisoner that resonate to our present day, as well as share audience comments and their favorite episodes.