Category: Take Five
Podcast: Justice Kavanagh–a Stalwart Republican
Do vicious killers who turn Buddhist have the right to be comforted by the guru of their choice? More pernicious nonsense about freedom of religion, courtesy of the GOP.
Take Five: Taxation With Representation Still Tyranny
Ruling elites, which historically collect 10-15% in duties and fees, now confiscate 50% or more of the income of hardworking men and women, robbing them of their time and their power over their lives.
Take Five: Why Can’t We Just All Get Along
Baby, it’s dumb outside! The revolutionaries are blaming Trump for the divisions they have been creating for over 50 years.
Race and Unreason
Megyn Kelly gets fired for making sense the first time in her career, while Don Lemon is praised for living down to expectations…
Take 5: Italy and Immigration, Part II
How the anti-immigrant Lega Nord is once again taking the lead in opposing the Third World invasion of Europe.
Take Five: Italy Takes the Lead on Immigration, Part I
The Italian government is standing up to pressures from the EU to take in refugees that will not be allowed into France and Germany….
Take Five: Kavanaugh Chaos, Part Two
Whether Ford is lying or merely delusional, her claims are entirely irrelevant.
Take Five: Kavanaugh Chaos, Part I
This is no replay of the Clarence Thomas hearings. Even if it’s all true, Kavanaugh is guilty of being a teenage lout.