Final Plan for Tuscany. Time is running out…
Please let me know if you can join us and, secondarily, if you plan to arrive early or stay on in Rome.
Please let me know if you can join us and, secondarily, if you plan to arrive early or stay on in Rome.
When I ask people about candidates they support–and why–they usually respond by praising their position of abortion or taxes or foreign policy. When I probe further and ask what, for example, J.D. Vance has done to limit abortion, they cite some speech he has given or a position paper, To quote the godfather of Beat poets, “The thing is, they never learn.”
It is a truism of political analysts that while most Americans say they do not trust the members of Congress, they tend to trust their own representative. This is a bizarre dichotomy.
We are often reminded that “There is not only no such thing as a free lunch.” This is true in one sense, since, while I may get my lunch free by robbing the restaurant or blackmailing the proprietor or extorting money fraudulently that enables me to spend other people’s money on lunch, but then the restaurant or my victims are paying for the lunch.
Piacere from Latin placeo, takes the dative case of the person being pleased or liking something, while that which is liked is the subject. So Mi piace Fabrizio = Fabrizio mihi placet.
I don’t know how many of our readers s intend to vote in the next or any election, but if a vote is to be anything more than a shot in the dark at a tree rustling in the breeze, a citizen is morally obliged to spend a little time grappling with political realities
The Greeks’ love of competition and conflict is only the reverse side of their strong attachment to friends (including family) and community. These attachment were also a source of the great joy took in creating and celebrating beauty: They loved singing dancing, recitation of heroic poetry, parades, sacrifices and barbecues. All these pleasures were available at the great games
This post is extracted from the unpolished script for a subscription podcast series that should begin by the end of 2024.
Simple conversations, jobs, more present tense (andare), and the days of the week.
I haven’t paid much attention to the Olympics for years. It. has been a long time since the Games were a genuine amateur sport. All my life they have been big business that guaranteed endorsements and jobs to the winners. When the allowed professional basketball players in, it was a public declaration that they were giving up the pretense.