The Doctor is in podcast
Bulldog Drummond VS. Indiana Jones!? Rex takes issue with Dr Fleming’s critique.
Bulldog Drummond VS. Indiana Jones!? Rex takes issue with Dr Fleming’s critique.
If you are unwise enough to be on one or another social medium, you will have read something like this: “If you want to disagree with my futile ill-thought out and clumsily expressed opinion on X Y or Z, go ahead and make my day. I can’t wait to unfriend you”? Do you ever wonder what is going on in someone’s mind, when he issues such a taunt? I automatically unfriend such people, even if I agree with their position. I no longer have to teach low-achieving American adolescents with exaggerated opinions of themselves. I am speaking of the early...
And now for something completely different! Since Polish novelists and ancient historians have proved to be too daunting or time-consuming for most readers, I am taking a different tack and devoting a few days to Bite of the Bulldog (initially titled simply Bulldog Drummond), a short thriller in which the reader meets one of the great pop fiction heroes of the last century, Bulldog Drummond.
A number of people opposed to the new flu shot are complaining about the language being used to characterize their position. In particular, they reject the word “refuse.” Of course they are right, but, if they would only consider what they are up against, they might have second thoughts.
None of the Indiana Jones movies was anything but a waste of time. Harrison Ford cannot act, the writers and directors were, if not hopelessly incompetent, then entirely cynical in their willingness to profit from the degradation of the American people. The first one was not only anti-German but anti-Christian. Watching movies made by people who hate and despise you makes you in the end despicable.
An FB friend posted a Charlie Rich lyric.. It took me back a few years. I was a bit late in learning to appreciate Charlie.
My remarks on the late Don Rumsfeld sparked a set of responses that evolved into discussing the cause of the Second Gulf War. It may be worth a little time to wonder if such explanations are of any value.
As politicians go, the governor of Florida is one of the best we have, but he is not an educated man and does not at all understand the evils that have been perpetrated by American public education, and, since he does not understand the causes of the problem, he is incapable of devising a workable solution.
Freedom is not “just another word for nothing left to lose,” with a tip of the hat to the late pop singer B.J. Thomas.