Category: Fleming


The Lighter Side of War to the Knife

Hamas and Israel are sticking to their game plans of inflicting maximum damage on each other’s civilian populations, but back here in the center of the universe the citizens of the only remaining superpower are continuing to abide by the rule that in war truth is the first casualty.  At least our people are lightening up the situation with their comic antics.


When Bad Things Happen to Good People……

This a much revised section of a chapter (“The Demands of Blood”) of Volume II of Properties of Blood.  It is the first of a series of chapters in which vengeance–its nature, its institutions, its justifications–are discussed.  It begins by taking up one of the oldest and still most thorny ethical dilemmas:  Why do good men suffer, and what can be done about it?  It is the first step in laying the groundwork for understanding the violent anarchy into which American society has fallen and the possible means at our disposal for redressing the injustices.