Take 5: Italy and Immigration, Part II
How the anti-immigrant Lega Nord is once again taking the lead in opposing the Third World invasion of Europe.
How the anti-immigrant Lega Nord is once again taking the lead in opposing the Third World invasion of Europe.
How the rhetoric and reasoning of the “right to life” movement subverts the defense of innocent life.
The Italian government is standing up to pressures from the EU to take in refugees that will not be allowed into France and Germany….
Original Air Date: October 9, 2018 Show Run Time: 18 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming Show Host(s): Rex Scott Continuation of Life–Right or Duty? Part 1 The Fleming Foundation · From Under the Rubble, Episode 34: Life–Right or Duty? Part 2 From Under the Rubble℗ is a Production of the Fleming Foundation. Copyright 2018. All Rights are Reserved.
In this episode of the Autodidact, Dr. Fleming takes on the often-requested question of how to read a poem. He examines a few lines from John Milton’s Paradise Lost through better-known lenses like rhyme and meter, but also lesser-known ones like anaclasis, elision, and assonance.
Whether Ford is lying or merely delusional, her claims are entirely irrelevant.
This is no replay of the Clarence Thomas hearings. Even if it’s all true, Kavanaugh is guilty of being a teenage lout.
How John McCain’s funeral reunited the squabbling wings of the American Left.
Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences [that is, scandals, stumbling blocks] will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.