Category: Podcasts
Life–Right or Duty? Part 1: From Under the Rubble: Episode 33
In this first of a series of podcasts, Thomas Fleming and Rex Scott debate the constitutional, ethical, and Christian arguments for and against pre-partum infanticide.
Take Five: Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Anyone can quit smoking, but it takes a man to face cancer.” An old saying from the 1960’s.
Take Five: The Sin of Civil Disobedience
A Scandinavian civil disobedient gives new life to the insult “Dumb Swede.”
Take Five: Mercy Without Justice
In postmodern America, Paul Manafort is the “man in the iron mask” while an aspiring serial killer who hangs a toddler gets probation
Rex Scott Gives “Chicago” the Reading It Deserves
Robert Frost used to say Carl Sandburg had to accompany his readings with a guitar because that was the only way it would have a rhythm. Rex has taken Frost at his word…
Q and A, June 2018 Part 4: From Under the Rubble, Episode 32
From Under the Rubble with Dr. Fleming and Rex Scott: “Q and A, June 2018 Part 4.” Original Air Date: June 2018 Show Run Time: 29 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming Show Host(s): Rex Scott The Fleming Foundation · From Under the Rubble, Episode 32: Q and A, June 2018 Part 4 From Under the Rubble℗ is a Production of the Fleming Foundation. Copyright 2018. All Rights are Reserved.
Pizza with Chef Garret: The Best Revenge, Episode 15
Chef Garret, in the first podcast of a series, explains the fundamentals of a classic Italian dish that is simple in conception but far from simple in execution.