The Fleming Foundation Cultural Commentary


Wednesday’s Child: Letter from Messina

To one who has never visited it before, Messina comes as a shock. Even if the visitor comes from elsewhere on the same island – Palermo is about three hours away by car or by train – the shock is seismic, and yet it is exceedingly difficult to analyze or to describe.  Perhaps it is the air, which, unaccountably, reminds one of the Italian Alps, so crystalline it is, as though suffused by vernal sunlight reflecting off freshly fallen snow.  Locals say the clarity of the air is due to peculiar currents of wind and water in the Strait, where...


Wednesday’s Child: An Organ of the Senses

The renowned organist Marianna Vysotskaya has been staying with us while my wife, who is a friend of hers, is away in Moscow, preparing for a recital at the Rachmaninov Hall of the Conservatory.  Marianna is here in Sicily to play three concerts, one at San Pietro in Trapani, one at the Palermo Cathedral, and one next Sunday in Messina. The sailing has not been smooth, as everyone in the district, on seeing me in the company of an unknown woman, feels duty bound to mention my wife in a preternaturally loud voice.  “When is Olga back?” thunders Signor Baldo...


Shredding the Fabric

Since the State of the Union Address, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have been going at it hammer and tongs (though Pelosi would probably prefer a hammer and sickle match with Bernie) .  The Buffoon-in-Chief is in great form, praising his supporters with childish  epithets endlessly repeated and damning his enemies with more vigor, at least, though not with a wider vocabulary.  Thriving on hatred, Donald Trump is like one of those Sci Fi monsters that grow stronger with every attack.  Trumpzilla. Opposing the President with every fiber of her aging and malevolent being is the harridan whose daughter calls...


Wednesday’s Child: Eau de Vie, Eau de Mort

Well, Brexit did happen in the end, contrary to my son’s prediction of a Thirty Years’ War, and we toasted the news with vodka.  I spent the following week recovering and reading up on the history of that magic potion, learning much about it I had not known.  No Russian I’ve ever met, for instance, would tell you that the word itself, “vodka,” is scarcely more than a hundred years old.  Instead, for many centuries, and well into the nineteenth, the term “bread wine,” or simply “wine,” was generally used to describe forty-proof alcohol made from grain. Strangely enough, when...


January Birthdays–the End

A 29 minute podcast on Hadrian, Douglas MacArthur, Eddie Van Halen, Mozart, St. John Chrysostom, Richard Bentley, Lewis Carroll, Artur Rubenstein, W.C. Fields, Lighthouse Harry Lee and his son Robert, Walter Savage Landor, John Basil Turchin, Tokugawa… Warning: The discussion of Turchin’s court martial is botched. James Garfield presided and overruled the other judges. These podcasts are obviously unrehearsed.


Pay No Attention….

Friends have been writing me emails and sending texts wanting my “take” on the Iowa primary.  My first response is:  Trump won  by over 90 %. As for the Democratic losers–the entire pack–they have to be thinking.  Who stands to gain?  Could the Cinton-Obama mercenary hacks who designed the system actually want some gay guy’s b-tch to gain momentum?  I actually watched CNN and FOX for 90 minutes, and all I heard was “It couldn’t be Biden, because look how bad his numbers are. Right.  Let us just suppose that the numbers of the 62% reported votes are somewhere in...


How J-Low Can You Go?

I’ve been hearing complaints about the indecency of the Super Bowl halftime performances. What am I missing? Half naked women wiggling their back sides and writhing on a stripper’s pole?   This is the America we live in. This is mass entertainment at its best, the realization of the American Dream. Does anyone really think there is some line that one one can draw between the pornograpny of cable TV and the pornography of the NFL?  Of course there are differences between XXX porno flicks and the pop performances of Madonna, Britney, Lady Gaga,  J-Lo, and Shakira, but the one...


Turning Green Into Gold, Conclusion

Before answering this question, we should remind ourselves that one Leftist revolution does not so much supplant its predecessors as absorb them.  Marxism absorbed liberalism’s attack on religion, monarchy, and social status, but it also prepared the ground for feminism and globalism.