Tagged: Thomas Fleming


Descent Into Hell: Finale

I am going to start this post as a sort of thread, introducing some themes and eliciting comments and questions.  My first question is:  Who is Mrs. Samille, and is her name of any significance? NOTE: THIS HAS BEEN ADDED TO.


Reason vs. Passion

Robert E. Lee, who in so many ways epitomized the highest ideas of Christian civility, summed up the common feeling in his famous statement that, “Duty is the most sublime word in our language,” adding the injunction: “Do your duty in all things.  You cannot do more, you should never wish to do less.”


Poem by a Reactionary Bohemian

This poem by Alec Wilder was read at the composer’s funeral.  Wilder is best known for several popular songs, especially “I’ll Be Around” (recorded by his friend Frank Sinatra) and “While We are Young,” but he also wrote chamber music pieces generally condemned as “unoriginal.”


In Search of Honest Journalists

If we were to take on Diogenes as our role model, as we attempt to shine our light in the nooks and crannies of American journalism, whom could we name?  To make the game more amusing, we should, in addition to picking out the eccentrics, also have to name a famous contemporary who typified the regime lackeys that are the true heirs of Pulitzer and Hearst.