Author: Thomas Fleming


Muslim Terrorist Attack on New Orleans

The heavily armed man, dressed in armor, who killed ten people celebrating New Years Eve in New Orleans has been identified by NOLA,Com as:  42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar. Born in Texas, Army veteran, and, by his speech on this video:, he would seem to be a convert to Nation of Islam or some other African American Islamic sect. A poison is a poison, no matter who drinks it.   More to come.


Italian II.1

A number of people have asked to continue the Italian lessons, which we shall do at a slower pace so long as there is one student.  I do ask everyone  is working on these lessons to respond to each post, if it is only to say, “Present.”


The Civil War, Part I

The American people is at war, and it not just war with Russia over Ukraine or war with the Syrian Jihadists we have been bankrolling.  Our greatest war is with ourselves.