Category: Free Content


Trump ‘s Enemies on Right and Left–A Plague on Both their Houses

The Trumpster is in trouble again. In this week’s tempest in a teapot, he is:  A) Derided for apparently  backing off on the promise to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem—Mark Levin is livid, and I can’t imagine why!  B)  Accused of sharing information with the Russians on how to fight ISIS—the news room of the Washington Post is said to have cheered the report.  C) Deserted by the professionally  dumb blond of the conservative press, Ann Coulter. In reverse order:  If you have ever cared about what Ms Coulter—a perpetual adolescent who will not act or dress her...


Foreign Affairs, Episode 4: May 2017 (Free)


In this episode of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Srdja Trifkovic comments on the referendum in Turkey, the French election, and the state of the British Government, all within the context of 11 months on since Brexit caused the first major shock to “politics as usual.” Show Sponsor: Members Who Support Our Work Original Air Date: May 12, 2017 Show Run Time: 45 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Srdja Trifkovic Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner The Fleming Foundation · Foreign Affairs, Episode 4: May 2017   The Fleming Foundation Presents Foreign Affairs℗ is a Production of the Fleming Foundation. Copyright 2017. All Rights are...


Still Time to Join the Counter-Revolution

Revolution & Resistance Dear Friend and Fellow-Reader: “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time.”Sir Edward Grey’s famous remark was inspired by the outbreak of World War I, the European civil war that was the beginning of the end of our civilization.  Now that we are closer to the end than to the beginning of our descent into the abyss, it is more vitally important than ever to understand what has happened, or rather, what we have done to ourselves.At our first Summer School, we studied the greatest external threat...


Filmer’s Patriarcha, IV-VII (FREE)

Filmer is typically accused of tracing the legitimacy of Charles I, back, in an unbroken line, to Adam.  What he actually argues is something different.  In the first place, he points out that, at least in principle,  there is always an heir, even if that heir is unknown.  If Adam were still alive and died today, there would be an heir, though no one would be able to discover who it was.  On the strength of the Old Testament, he assumes that the principle of primogeniture is universal, when it is not.  The privilege given first-born sons is a natural tendency,...


The New Index: Deleting the Great Books of the Anti-Western World

Most people are acquainted with published series and curriculum lists of  “great books,” such as the Great Books of the Western World, the Harvard Five Foot Shelf, the reading lists of “great books” colleges, and the contributions to curriculum reform made by the latterday president of the Wizard of Oz University, the Great and Terrible Bill Bennett. Most of the writers on most of the lists are either deserving of careful study, such as Homer and Sophocles, Vergil and Cicero, Dante and Shakespeare, or at least harmlessly pleasant pieces of fictions (Little Dorritt) or merely tedious scientific and mathematical works (Ptolemy,...


Coulda Woulda Shoulda: If Wishes Were Horses, Hillary Would Win the Derby

Barbara Streisand, at a recent performance in Brooklyn, paid tribute to Hillary Clinton and shared her dreams of the New Camelot that would have replaced the Evil America being rebuilt by Donald Trump and his legions of straight white males.  Speaking of a recent interview with Hillary, Streisand added that it “makes us yearn for what could have been, what should have been. I was thrilled to hear yourself describe yourself as an activist citizen and part of the resistance.” Streisand as political commentator is a satirist’s dream come true.  At the age of 75, herself, she actually had the...


Filmer’s Patriarcha II and III

Filmer begins his detailed argument with an attack on Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, one of the greatest of the Jesuits and a doctor of the Church.  Bellarmine was a widely respected thinker, a man of sound judgment and excellent reason, whose arguments against Protestantism were credited with saving some parts of Europe from the Reformation and restoring many doubting souls.  He played a creditable role in the controversy over Galileo and deserves to be better appreciated today. Like several other Jesuits, Bellarmine wanted to protect the power of the Church (and its earthly head) from the ambitions of the nation states...


Hoisting the Donkey, Conclusion (FREE)

Americans sometimes think theirs is the only “nation of immigrants” beset by ethnic conflicts and bound together only by the flimsy cords of a national ideology.  According to our official propaganda, America is a nation “dedicated to the proposition” and unified by the war to end slavery and republican government.  The Italian state, however, has its own mythology.  According to official Italian propaganda, the varied regions and cultures of Italy were unified in the Risorgimento, a glorious uprising that unified Italy and culminated (after a few disgraceful decades in the middle of the 20th century) in a universal nation more...


Autodidact: Filmer’s Patriarcha

I have been asked, many times, to explain my objections to John Locke and his  theory of natural rights and the social contract.   One way to address that question is the discussion of Sir Robert Filmer Patriarcha I undertook some years ago.  I am revising and condensing those pieces for our newer and better project.  Patriarcha was actually written before Locke’s Treatises, which effectively debunks the mythology.  During the month of June, I will be posting paragraphs of the work, making comments, taking questions and comments from participants in the discussion.  The book is available online at but...


Join the Counter-Revolution Against 500 Years of Treason

Revolution & Resistance   Dear Friend and Fellow-Reader: “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time.”   Sir Edward Grey’s famous remark was inspired by the outbreak of World War I, the European civil war that was the beginning of the end of our civilization.  Now that we are closer to the end than to the beginning of our descent into the abyss, it is more vitally important than ever to understand what has happened, or rather, what we have done to ourselves.   At our first Summer School, we...