Category: Free Content


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Thank you for visiting The Fleming Foundation website.   You may even have already gone through the process of registering.  If you enjoyed some of the pieces available to free access subscribers, I hope you will consider taking out a paid subscription. A Silver Level subscription for only  $7.99 per month gives access to all print copy, while Gold Level ($150 per year) and Charter subscribers ($250 per year) can also listen to our podcasts on a variety of topics: political realism, learning Latin, the classical Christian tradition, and a series we call “The Best Revenge,” which ranges from the...


Debunking the Sanctuary Movement, Conclusion

This is the conclusion to my piece from 1985.  The points made include:  1) There is no right of or  justification for “civil disobedience.  Crime is crime, and treason is treason.  2) So-called “liberation theology” is only Marxist revolution with a false Christian gloss, 3) our primary moral obligations to family, community, and  nation take precedence over any imagined obligations to strangers, and, finally 4) the confusion of roles–national government dictating how children are reared while individuals and cities are making foreign policy–is a sign of a profound disorder in American life. Although civil disobedients like to lump their activities...


Fidel Castro, Dead at Last

Fidel Castro is dead, and USA’s official media are are beside themselves with grief over their fallen leader.  I hate to point out the obvious, but there is virtually nothing good to say about this thug, except he was lucky enough to take over Cuba during an American power vacuum, first when an exhausted and ailing Eisenhower was losing control and, then, when he easily fought off a challenge from a feeble-minded womanizing President who could not find the will to squelch this pustulent sore 90 miles off our coastline. Pre-Castro Cuba was no paradise, but there were economic opportunities.  People could get...


Debunking the Sanctuary Movement–30 Years Ago, Part I

This Perspective from January 1986 analyzed the budding sanctuary movement and dissected its entirely bogus spiritual, moral and constitutional foundations.  It infuriated Richard John Neuhaus, who at that time led the movement to silence an irritating political heretic.  I was naive and did not yet realize how much so-called conservatives hate the truth, whenever it conflicts with the short-term goals of their little movement. “Shelter from the Storm” The trial of 12 sanctuary workers in Tucson has heated up an issue which is being hailed in many quarters as the great moral issue of the 1980’s. The movement, whose members...


Anthony Trollope on Sermons


This is Trollope’s musings on the sermon preached by the odious Mr. Slope in Barchester Cathedral: There is, perhaps, no greater hardship at present inflicted on mankind in civilized and free countries than the necessity of listening to sermons. No one but a preaching clergyman has, in these realms, the power of compelling an audience to sit silent and be tormented. No one but a preaching clergyman can revel in platitudes, truisms, and untruisms, and yet receive, as his undisputed privilege, the same respectful demeanour as though words of impassioned eloquence, or persuasive logic, fell from his lips. Let a...


Thomas Fleming: All Gone in Search of America

What does it mean to be an American? Major debates over legislation and proposed constitutional amendments raise the question. Without stretching a point too much, it is easy to see the American identity as the underlying question on the immigration issue, the Equal Rights Amendment, and perhaps even in the debate over abortion. It comes out very clear in discussion of the English Language Amendment sponsored last year by Senator Huddleston of Kentucky and supported by U.S. English, a group headed by former Senator and linguist S.I. Hayakawa. The amendment would make explicit a fact of life obvious to anyone that...


FF Podcast, Special Edition Trump President-Elect


In this reaction to Trump’s election, Dr. Fleming reflects on Election Night, what this means for Trump voters and for the country, whether Hilary will (or should) be pardoned, whether this is the beginning of a counter-revolution, and whether Mr. Kurtz has been replaced by Long John Silver. Because of the special circumstances of this election, this podcast is being made free to the general public. Show Sponsor: Members Who Support Our Work Original Air Date: November 10, 2016 Show Run Time: 35 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner The Fleming Foundation · FF Podcast, Special...


Election Night and the Day After

My wife and I went to the Eastons at 6, to eat American chili, drink wine, and watch  to the election returns.  Betsy Easton is absolutely confident of a Trump victory, Gail Fleming refuses to believe that anything so wonderful could happen, Jim and I agree that it is possible, if rumors of a big turn-out among old-fashioned Americans prove true.  I take heart from the wacky conservative websites I have looked at, where people are bragging not only about voting for the first time in years but also claim to have dragged  friends and family to the polls. So far at...


From Under the Rubble, Episode 8: The Last Presidential Debate


Thomas Fleming and his former radio partner Paul Youngblood scrutinize the last presidential debate and the toxic nuclear fallout in the media. If you’re new to the Foundation and our work, please register as a free user and get access to some of our content. Show Sponsor: Members Who Support Our Work Original Air Date: October 25, 2016 Show Run Time: 38 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming Show Host(s): Paul Youngblood The Fleming Foundation · From Under the Rubble, Episode 8: The Last Presidential Debate   From Under the Rubble℗ is a Production of the Fleming Foundation. Copyright 2016....


From Under the Rubble, Episode 7: News Roundup September 30 2016


Weekly News Roundup, September 30. The Debate, The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name, NFL Traitors. If you’re new to the Foundation and our work, please register as a free user and get access to some of our content. Show Sponsor: Members Who Support Our Work Original Air Date: September 30, 2016 Show Run Time: 29 minutes Show Guest(s): Dr. Thomas Fleming Show Host(s): Paul Youngblood The Fleming Foundation · From Under the Rubble, Episode 7: News Roundup September 30 2016   From Under the Rubble℗ is a Production of the Fleming Foundation. Copyright 2016. All Rights are Reserved.