Category: Feature


When Bad Things Happen to Good People……

This a much revised section of a chapter (“The Demands of Blood”) of Volume II of Properties of Blood.  It is the first of a series of chapters in which vengeance–its nature, its institutions, its justifications–are discussed.  It begins by taking up one of the oldest and still most thorny ethical dilemmas:  Why do good men suffer, and what can be done about it?  It is the first step in laying the groundwork for understanding the violent anarchy into which American society has fallen and the possible means at our disposal for redressing the injustices.


GOP Debate: Trump as “Jaws”

  I always enjoy these presidential debates. The one this Wednesday should be a hoot. The main subject, of course, will be Trump, who won’t be there. Chris Christie has less chance of becoming president than I do. But this is his 15 minutes of fame. So he blasted, “Are You a Chicken or Just a Loser?” The Spanish-language La Opinion headlined, “Chris Christie arremete en contra de Donald Trump llamándolo cobard.” [Chris Christie lashes out against Donald Trump calling him coward.] The reality is Trump knows how to build drama. He was a successful “reality TV” show host for...