Category: Fleming


The Latin of the Latin Mass, II: The Problem With English

When the Novus Ordo was imposed by the Vatican hierarchy, the biggest losers were probably the English-speakers.  As everyone knows, the official version of the NO Mass is in Latin, and the translation into English was not only poorly and ineffectively written but it was filled with errors, some of which, I suppose (to give the plotters the benefit of the doubt) was simply the result of their own poor English.


The Latin of the Mass, I

Latin has been the language of the Western Church for roughly 1500 years, but it has also been the language of western Christendom, by which I mean the Christian civilization that incorporated the best of the Greek and Latin pagan traditions, Christianized them, and created that great glory we call the Dark Ages or the Middle Ages, but which we should call the Christian Age, the age of Dante and St. Thomas.


Islamophilia, the American Dream

Many Americans, liberals and conservatives alike, have been astonished by the upsurge of support for Islam in general and Hamas in particular among leftists and members of the LGBT& “community.”  “Don’t they know that Islam subjugates women, imposes severe penalties for all deviant behavior, and  is intolerant of sexual diversity? 


Superior Blues

America used to be a country with a bland national uniformity of culture and attitude that was belied whenever you entered the  bizarre world of isolated small towns.  In its own way, Superior is as strange a place as Charleston or New Orleans (the way it used to be) or the celebrated villages in the valley of the Miskatonic River


The New Index: Montaigne

We are going to launch the New Year by taking nominations for the New Index of classic books to ban.  To be eligible the book and writer must be either included in some Great Books series or, at least, be a staple of the postmodern curriculum, e.g., The Diary of Ann Frank or The Handmaid’s Tale or The Awakening.


You Can’t Lose A Generation You Never Had

I woke up today with this happy thought. Born in April 1945, I am a 8 months too old to be a Boomer. That means I enjoy the rare privilege of not belonging to some stereotyped identity created by sociologists and exploited by marketing geniuses to enslave the minds of anyone dumb enough to call himself a Boomer, Gen Xer, Millennial, etc. Don’t Trust Anyone Under 78!


No Exceptions: The Machiavellian Way of Truth

Several commenters have been kind enough to say they liked our recent pieces on the Middle East.  I am grateful for  the kind words. I am no expert on Middle Eastern affairs, though I flatter myself I know a few things about the history of the region. If my way of thinking has any distinctive merit, it is because I have followed a line of thought you can find in such diverse political thinkers as Thucydides, Machiavelli, the Marquis of Halifax, Gaetano Mosca, Roberto Michels, and Sam Francis