Category: Free Content
Texas Outlaws?
A friend and reader writes in to ask what is going in Texas, where Governor Abbott is trying to control the border with Mexico. Isn’t this unconstitutional, he asks, since the Federal government is responsible for maintaining the border?
Wednesday’s Child: Something in the Water
I remember reading somewhere that the Japanese, whose diet in historically rich in soy, have a preternaturally high level of estrogen in their bodies. Soybeans have a high concentration of isoflavones, plant estrogens known as phytoestrogens and similar in function to the human hormone. Soy isoflavones, notably genistein, bind to estrogen receptors in the body.
Will the Establishment Accept Trump’s Inevitability?
The Republican Establishment has been jumping on the Trumpwagon as his nomination by the party becomes inevitable. Any early scheming to push him off because of the lawsuits mostly has evaporated. Nikki still is howling she’ll keep her campaign going. Even as she lost last night in New Hampshire.
Journalists and Other Liars III: The False God of Objectivity
You could read FOX News or Tucker Carlson for the rest of your life, and while you might hear echoes of any number of conspiracy theories—Carlson sounds more like Glen Beck and Alex Jones every day—but never hint that the country’s problems cannot be reduced to the machinations of evil Democrats and weak-spined Rinos.
Tuscan Histories II: The Etruscan Legacy
If Christianity is difficult to conceive without the Old Testament, then Christendom is an impossibility without the legacy of Greeks and Romans, and the Etruscans made no small contribution to the character and culture of Rome, though very little of the Etruscan legacy is obvious.
Tuscan Histories: The Etruscans
Why go to Tuscany in the Winter, when you can go to Sicily, Crete, or Costa Rica? Everyone has read or seen Under the Tuscan Sun, but who wants to endure “Under the Tuscan Wind, Rain, and Flooding?”
Escape to Pisa, II: Mistakes, Corrections, and a bit of History
As an informal and sometimes formal travel advisor, I am forever reminding–my wife calls it bullying people–to double check everything, including passports, visas (if necessary), ticket times and dates.