Category: Free Content


Back to the Future II: The Olympics

I haven’t paid much attention to the Olympics for years.  It.   has been a long time since the Games were a genuine amateur sport.  All my life they have been big business that guaranteed endorsements and jobs to the winners.  When the allowed professional basketball players in, it was a public declaration that they were giving up the pretense.


Back to the Future

I’ve been in 15th century Florence, to be precise, colloguing with Petrarch, Pico della Mirandola, Savonarola,  Cosimo and Lorenzo de’ Medici, Machiavelli, and others.  As a traveler in time and space, I was eager to share my thoughts on the American present, which for them is an unimaginably distant future.  


The Stoic Revolution….

I keep my FB account for a few reasons. I do occasionally get news of distant friends. Sometimes I can also share something from the Fleming Foundation, in the hope–usually vain–that it will attract a new subscriber–who feels our work is worth the quarter or fifty cents a day we charge.


The Autodidact: Latin Matters Conclusion

The American republic was founded, for the most part, by men with fine classical training, and anyone who takes the trouble to read the correspondence of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson will see that their conversation is studded with discussions of points of grammar, ancient history, and even the rhythm of ancient poetry.  Jefferson and Adams, although old friends, belonged to rival political parties.  What would our presidents have in common that they could talk about?  Football? Reality shows on television?


Six Crises, Podcast Episode 0: Introduction


Dr. Fleming and Rex begin a conversation on the plunge of the United States into anarcho-tyranny and on the American refusal to look reality in the face without flinching.   In the next six  (possibly seven) episodes,  they will take up, one by one, the key events that turned a naive American boy into a Jeremiah,  First up will be the  downing of  the U-2 spy plane shot down in 1960.    


Ask Mr. Autodidact

Karl White writes in to ask which translations of Herodotus and Thucydides I recommend.  In some ways, I am not the best person to ask, since I do not spend much time reading translations, but I have used a number of translations of the historians for classes.