Category: Free Content


The Meaning of Speaker McCarthy’s Ouster

A lot of reasons have been given for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s ouster from the speaker’s post. Correctly, some are saying part of it has to do with Ukraine War funding. Writing in the influential Financial Times, Edward Luce brands it “The return of American isolationism.” I could cite many more.


It’s OK to Laugh at Bernie Sanders’ Book

To get ready for a third Bernie presidential bid, I checked out his recent campaign book, “It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism.” I didn’t want to help “capitalism,” in this case mega-publisher Crown/Penguin Random House. So I checked it out of my socialist public library.


Dismal Second GOP Debate

A few quick takes on the Second Republican Debate on Sept. 27. Vivek, who easily won the first debate, continuously was talked over in this one. The others also attacked him for getting some kind of loan from China. He missed a chance to explain how, in business, you get the cheapest capital you can, or your investors sue you. That dough was from China.