Trump The Magnificent, Podcast
Why is Donald acting so crazy? Is he crazy like a fox or just plumb crazy?
Why is Donald acting so crazy? Is he crazy like a fox or just plumb crazy?
In chapter 7, “Solomon” told us that he was not born wise but gained wisdom by subjecting himself to the law.
This is a brief audio presentation of some of the Greek words used in the introduction. I’ve made a number of mistakes and corrected them immediately I could say it is to give the feeling of a live class, which it does, but it also saves time. Future audio lessons will be longer, since in the beginning I shall do the paradigms and vocabulary.
In Chapter 5 “Solomon” continues his discussion of the just man in an unjust society, where, when the just is rewarded, his former persecutors are dismayed:
A number of people have asked to continue the Italian lessons, which we shall do at a slower pace so long as there is one student. I do ask everyone is working on these lessons to respond to each post, if it is only to say, “Present.”
I shall in the future try to post these Greek lessons on Monday. But, since I promised to begin in January, here we are.
I have begun to wonder how many generations it takes for immigrants to lose their ethnic identity.
The American people is at war, and it not just war with Russia over Ukraine or war with the Syrian Jihadists we have been bankrolling. Our greatest war is with ourselves.