Category: Free Content


Corona Corona 5

More good news:  You’re probably not living in New Orleans and do not have to face the reality of its mayor, LaToya Cantrell, who is predictably blaming the Federal Government and President Trump for her costly decision not to cancel Mardi Gras. 


More March Birthdays

Torquato Tasso, and James Taylor, and Shemp Howard, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Hart Benton, and Roger Taney, Albert Einstein, Jerry Lewis, and Neil Sedaka, George Berkeley and Wyatt Earp, Fustel de Coulanges and Ovid ….


Corona, Corona 4

A close relative, in a comment “by the way,”  hoped I was taking COVID seriously, since the problem was becoming acute in her part of California.  It was a reasonable remark, and I responded: I take all potentially fatal diseases seriously, but the media are as usual lying to the public almost as badly as the Chinese government has been lying.  Looking at at the Italian situation—far more drastic than here in the States—99% of the people dying have been old—average age 79 years nine months—and with underlying conditions, cardiac, respiratory, diabetic. Telling athletic young people to fear death is...


Corona, Corona

Stray thoughts and whimsies, paradoxes and parodies in time of Plague. Send in comments and I’ll repost original contributions as part of next text.


Panic Pandemic

Governments cannot save us from being ill. Governments cannot save us from dying. What they could do is engage people in helping rather than locking them down in their homes.


Some Junk I Posted on FB Today…

I used to have a Greek friend from Alexandria. Alex was a businessman who became a professor of business. He used to say you couldn’t argue with communists, because after you had refuted every argument of theirs from A to Z, they’d say, “What about A?” as if it had never been discussed. It is the problem with all ideologies, and I do mean all, including especially anti-communism.